M-Reimer / wine-lol

PKGBUILDs to package GloriousEggroll's LoL-patched wine version
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Please make precompiled downloadable versions #93

Closed coreybruce closed 2 years ago

coreybruce commented 2 years ago

Hi just requesting if precompiled versions could be made so AUR packages like leagueoflegends-git could use that instead of compiling as it takes a long time to compile the package and wine-lol

Package example that relies on this repo: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/leagueoflegends-git

Thank you for the amazing work you have done also.

M-Reimer commented 2 years ago

Are you serious?

Please read README again

coreybruce commented 2 years ago

Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you had a package and hosted repo for compiled binaries and came from the leagueoflegends-git package wanting to help improve both sides of the packages anyways I could.

M-Reimer commented 2 years ago

Thanks for offering your help, but packages already exist and I update them if required.

Is there anything else I can help you with or can we close this Issue?

coreybruce commented 2 years ago

Ahh I see

I added your repo but how do I get the pre-compiled version? what is the package called exactly?

M-Reimer commented 2 years ago

"pacman -S wine-lol"

coreybruce commented 2 years ago

Ahh ok so it's the same name but you don't need to compile it I see.

Not trying to tell you what to do or anything but you really should have them both on the AUR so wine-lol-git and wine-lol-bin so it's more accessible without needing to add other repo's to their system. :)

This is some great work and I know the other part of the helper is with the other package but do you know why it takes quite a long time to start the game up? just curious and not a attack on you as it's not your fault.

M-Reimer commented 2 years ago

Where would be the benefit of this? What exactly should "wine-lol-git" or "wine-lol-bin" do?

About the slow start. This is an issue with wine. For some reason something within the client startup just runs really slow when running in wine context.

coreybruce commented 2 years ago

"Where would be the benefit of this? What exactly should "wine-lol-git" or "wine-lol-bin" do?"

Simplicity and speed, if a user can install a recompiled version on your Github it will take out all the time compiling and get them right into playing the game, depending on their specs even if it is good it will take a long time compiling and secondly if will take out any complications if anything in the compiling process goes wrong. It will simply make things a lot better having both options and as a package manager myself I can tell you that having both just making installing/updating quicker while still having the -git version of my software for people who want to compile it.

Ah I see hmm hopefully someone of you smart awesome people working on Wine will figure it out and find a work around or way to fix it :)

M-Reimer commented 2 years ago

A "-git" package usually is meant to package a GIT version of some package. Means: Not an release. For "wine-lol" this can and will never happen. If you compare the chanagelog of "wine-lol" on AUR and the commit history here, then you'll see some similarities. That's because the subdirectories https://github.com/M-Reimer/wine-lol/tree/master/wine-lol and https://github.com/M-Reimer/wine-lol/tree/master/wine-lol-glibc are "projected" into AUR using the "git subtree" mechanism.

And about the "-bin" version: They are usually made to repackage some package that is offered in a different format. In case of wine-lol the only officially available package format is an Arch Linux package. So to make an "-bin" PKGBUILD I would basically have to extract an Arch package just to repackage it again as an Arch package. --> Makes no sense at all.

I'm linking my binary repo even on AUR so if someone doesn't want to compile he should just use my repo or install the packages manually.

coreybruce commented 2 years ago

Yes the git version would just follow the streamline git repo but the bin version would be a release.

No you would just compile it and upload it to your repo like Glorious Eggroll would do in a tar.gz file and the AUR package would just download that and repackage it while auto installing any dependencies. It's really that easy.

M-Reimer commented 2 years ago

Sorry but no. At first it is not done with "wine-lol" but we always also need wine-lol-glibc. And all of them have to be in one exact location as the path to wine-lol-glibc is compiled into wine-lol as an absolute path. If I provide binaries in some kind of "generic tar.gz file", then users may think they can just place this "somewhere". That's wrong! It has to be placed to /opt/wine-lol as that's the path that is compiled in!

I provide packages for all common distributions. I have Arch packages, Debian packages and soon Fedora packages. If someone does not want to compile, then the correct way is to get the package and install it.

coreybruce commented 2 years ago

if that is the case than how is Glorious Eggroll able to so easily provide his wine packages without doing any of that when it is also Wine?

M-Reimer commented 2 years ago

He uses a different patch to make the LoL anticheat happy. His patch requires the global setting "abi.vsyscall32=0" to be set and so may negatively affect other 32 bit applications (like other, probably more resource demanding, games in your Steam library).

The patch I use needs a patched glibc and the only way to tell other applications on your system to not use the system global glibc version (which does not have the needed patch) is to compile in an absolute path to the alternative glibc version. That's why my solution has to be installed to exactly the right location and that's why I provide packages to make this simple and easy.

coreybruce commented 2 years ago

Hmm I see