This fixes #10 at least for complete network loss and if the broker is down:
async def mqtt_lamp_worker(client, loop):
"coroutine to handle incoming mqtt messages concerning lamps""mqtt lamp worker startup")
async with client.subscription(CONFIG.mqtt.lamp_topic, QOS_1) as sub:
async for message in sub:
if not loop.is_running():
packet = message.publish_packet
logger.debug("%s => %s" % (packet.variable_header.topic_name, str(
pattern = get_pattern_value(
if pattern is not None:
await set_lamp(client, pattern) # this publishes the new pattern again
logger.warn("ignoring unknown pattern")
async def workers():
"spawn all required threads as anyio task group"
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async with open_mqttclient(,
config={'keep_alive': 30, 'reconnect_retries': -1, 'reconnect_max_interval': 128},
) as client:
async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg:
await tg.spawn(cyclic_switch_handler, client, loop) # another task which also publishes the new pattern
await tg.spawn(mqtt_lamp_worker, client, loop)
# never unless error
logger.error("workers end due to error")
This fixes #10 at least for complete network loss and if the broker is down: