M0kY / react-form-stepper

Simple react stepper component for multi-step forms
MIT License
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Disable styling after reload (nextjs 14.0.3) #479

Open Denis-Jurkovsek opened 9 months ago

Denis-Jurkovsek commented 9 months ago

Hey, i have a new issue with the package, the design removes after i reload the page, here are some screenshots:

Default design: image

After reload on the page: image

Maybe somebody have the same issue as i?

fortezhuo commented 7 months ago


I have same issue, and solved it with add _document.tsx

import Document, { DocumentContext } from "next/document"
import { SheetsRegistry, JssProvider, createGenerateId } from "react-jss"

export default class JssDocument extends Document {
  static async getInitialProps(ctx: DocumentContext) {
    const registry = new SheetsRegistry()
    const generateId = createGenerateId()
    const originalRenderPage = ctx.renderPage
    ctx.renderPage = () =>
        enhanceApp: (App) => (props) =>
            <JssProvider registry={registry} generateId={generateId}>
              <App {...props} />

    const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx)

    return {
      styles: (
          <style id="server-side-styles">{registry.toString()}</style>


bohdan-sharkz commented 6 months ago

had the same. Using dynamic export helped. https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-form-stepper#using-with-ssr