M17-Project / Module_17

M17 modem board for 9600-baud capable radios
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal
79 stars 17 forks source link

IC1 "Shutdown" pin #3

Closed sp5wwp closed 2 years ago

sp5wwp commented 2 years ago

Pin 1 should be connected to VDD to disable the amplifier or to GND to enable the amplifier. This pin should not be left floating. In our case this pin can be set either to GND or 3.3V, while the amplifier is supplied with 5V. We should add a pull-up to 5V line and drive an IRLML2060 from the micro, much like we do for the PTT_OUT line.

mathisschmieder commented 2 years ago

It's working perfectly fine with 3.3V, I won't change this for now.