M1cha / android_device_xiaomi_aries

Xiaomi MI2
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about build cm-11 #52

Closed npes87184 closed 9 years ago

npes87184 commented 10 years ago

hello M1cha, because of wanna add my own translation to cm-11 (I have try to push it to cm official but they want me use a translation website and it is too slow and translation is bad), so I want to build it by myself. and I git clone your device tree to cm11/device/xiaomi/aries, and kernel to cm11/kernel/xiaomi/aries and proprietary to the cm11/vendor/xiaomi/aries.

and use : . build/envsetup.sh brunch aries

and it finished, but when I flash it into my phone, it always in the booting animation. what does it wrong?


M1cha commented 10 years ago

you need to use this local manifest: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>