M1ck0 / adskipper-extension

Ad Skipper is a browser extension designed to enhance your browsing experience on web by automatically skipping ads and much more.
MIT License
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Making Youtube Slower and sometimes detects ad skipping #15

Closed janmichael88 closed 1 month ago

janmichael88 commented 1 month ago

I'm noticing that when ad skipper is on it slows down the youtube webpage for me. It takes few seconds for the page to load. Sometimes video's a take a few seconds to load.

Also sometimes it still detects ad skipper.

I'm on chrome

maverick111x commented 1 month ago

I noticed the same behavior on both chrome and edge.

JonathanDHall commented 1 month ago

Noticed the same.

StickyChannel92 commented 1 month ago

Just got detected by YouTube now.

StickyChannel92 commented 1 month ago

Just for reference, it has blocked playback on Donut Media and Real Mechanic Stuff. Sample video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsmuwU92r_s

erikbelusic commented 1 month ago

mine is not working again

TypeError: Failed to set the 'currentTime' property on 'HTMLMediaElement': The provided double value is non-finite. at stopYoutubeAd (chrome-extension://dinhbmppbaekibhlomcimjbhdhacoael/scripts/youtube.js:144:25) at chrome-extension://dinhbmppbaekibhlomcimjbhdhacoael/scripts/youtube.js:192:13 at Array.forEach () at MutationObserver.observerCallback (chrome-extension://dinhbmppbaekibhlomcimjbhdhacoael/scripts/youtube.js:188:15)
M1ck0 commented 1 month ago

Version 3.2 is up and running today. Make sure you update it and everything should work. I will close this but if problem persists, please open new issue.
