M1z23R / ESP8266-EvilTwin

ESP8266-Evil Twin with deauth capability
307 stars 72 forks source link

it works but... #14

Open marcoA152 opened 3 years ago

marcoA152 commented 3 years ago

hi, this is a great job, the whole process works but i cant see my (correct) password (neither in the browser or in serial monitor). there is a way to open the logs.txt from serial monitor? i'm using an esp-01 and a standard programmer+nodemcu firmware uploader at 1mb storage have a nice day

M1z23R commented 2 years ago

Honestly I am not sure, version 1 was a lot buggy, specially the part regarding SPIFFS reading/writing. Version 2 that I've just released doesn't work with SPIFFS or logs, it just stores current successful connection / retrieved password in a variable. Give v2 a look and let me know if it works.