M1z23R / ESP8266-EvilTwin

ESP8266-Evil Twin with deauth capability
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Customizable HTML Pages #43

Open Ni3ru opened 11 months ago

Ni3ru commented 11 months ago

Is there a chance that you could add a feature like you can upload customizable Html pages then delete them afterwards(To reduce storage load on esp)?

If yes, could you provide us the html page sample so we can customize it on our own?

I think this suggestion would be great if implemented.


OP-EX commented 11 months ago

Is there a chance that you could add a feature like you can upload customizable Html pages then delete them afterwards(To reduce storage load on esp)?

If yes, could you provide us the html page sample so we can customize it on our own?

I think this suggestion would be great if implemented.


what do you mean

Ni3ru commented 11 months ago

Is there a chance that you could add a feature like you can upload customizable Html pages then delete them afterwards(To reduce storage load on esp)? If yes, could you provide us the html page sample so we can customize it on our own? I think this suggestion would be great if implemented. Thanks.

what do you mean

Like customizable phishing html page

OP-EX commented 11 months ago

Is there a chance that you could add a feature like you can upload customizable Html pages then delete them afterwards(To reduce storage load on esp)? If yes, could you provide us the html page sample so we can customize it on our own? I think this suggestion would be great if implemented. Thanks.

what do you mean

Like customizable phishing html page

Login Page.txt change the (txt) to html to see how it looks

const char MAIN_page[] PROGMEM = R"=====( //put your html and css code here )=====";

String s = MAIN_page; //Read HTML contents server.send(200, "text/html", s); //Send web page

Ni3ru commented 11 months ago

Thanks. but in which line of code should I put that code? I'm sorry I am still learning this

Ni3ru commented 11 months ago

and what I really mean is uploading customizable html phishing page file on web interface(like upload and delete button on a browser) But thanks to that code you sent I will spent my free time to learn it.

OP-EX commented 11 months ago

and what I really mean is uploading customizable html phishing page file on web interface(like upload and delete button on a browser) But thanks to that code you sent I will spent my free time to learn it.

this may help google how to upload html to esp8266

this is a video on how to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLGwI5tC9yk

let me know when you get it to work

M1z23R commented 11 months ago

@Ni3ru I am working as both full time software engineer (8h/day) and I am also freelancing (at least 4h/day) so I can't find the time. However, I am working on a new version as we speak. Some of the features will be:

Ni3ru commented 11 months ago

@Ni3ru I am working as both full time software engineer (8h/day) and I am also freelancing (at least 4h/day) so I can't find the time. However, I am working on a new version as we speak. Some of the features will be:

  • Improved logic
  • Default admin/phishing page
  • Ability to upload new pages through sketch data upload
  • Ability to upload new (1 at a time) pages through admin panel
  • And potentially more

That's great news! Can you let me know when you release the update?

HofficeCleanex commented 9 months ago

@Ni3ru I am working as both full time software engineer (8h/day) and I am also freelancing (at least 4h/day) so I can't find the time. However, I am working on a new version as we speak. Some of the features will be:

  • Improved logic
  • Default admin/phishing page
  • Ability to upload new pages through sketch data upload
  • Ability to upload new (1 at a time) pages through admin panel
  • And potentially more

me avisas si pued ayudarte en algo bro ya que tambien , el codigo que proporcionaste lo estoy fusionando para que sea multiple, a que me refiero a que realice hotspot para redes sociales y redes wifi, aqui adjunto un boceto imagen_2023-12-13_173922757