M2Team / NanaZip

The 7-Zip derivative intended for the modern Windows experience
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Suggestion: Use more modern fonts #439

Open win98se opened 3 months ago

win98se commented 3 months ago

Especially for Simplified Chinese, it's probably time to stop using SimSun and start using Microsoft YaHei (replace Microsoft Sans Serif/Tahoma with Segoe UI as well).

Since NanaZip is now adapting XAML for GUI, SimSun (along with same-era fonts) seem to no longer fit anymore.

userzzzq commented 3 months ago


Andarwinux commented 3 months ago

Preferably with custom UI font capabilities. Windows builtin shit fonts ruin user experience with HiDPI monitor, and modern fonts ruin user experience with shit 1080p gaming monitor.

win98se commented 3 months ago



Merowinger86 commented 3 months ago

A good point. MS Sans Serif is hard to read with these thin and small letters. I used years ago another 7-Zip fork which used Tahoma and even this was way better. The options dialogue and SFX-Archives would look way better with a more modern font.

WhatDamon commented 3 months ago


Shomnipotence commented 2 months ago

As the interface is modernized, the fonts will also be replaced.