M2Team / NanaZip

The 7-Zip derivative intended for the modern Windows experience
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能否支持一下.haozip01.zip?如果可以顺便叫上7-Zip作者 #481

Open 6uO opened 4 weeks ago

6uO commented 4 weeks ago

https://www.bandisoft.com/bandizip/history/ Added support for the split-archive formats created by HaoZip (.haozip01.zip, .haozip02.zip, ...) http://bbs.hcbbs.com/thread-3177842-1-1.html

就haozip01.zip=zip.001和haozip01.7z=7z.001 但haozip01.zip不是简单的zip.001,会出现两个相同文件,参考tieba.baidu.com/p/7688823176#4楼 最后一个分卷最后50 4B 01 02中50或4B乱改就行



Mapaler commented 3 weeks ago

什么国产,这就不是中国人开发的。 7zip是俄罗斯人开发的,这个取名nana,应该是日本人。

6uO commented 3 weeks ago

什么国产,这就不是中国人开发的。 7zip是俄罗斯人开发的,这个取名nana,应该是日本人。

国产7z注释格式,指的是360、2345那类压缩工具搞得名堂,7z后跟0x0[0,1]小端序是注释大小,再后跟注释数据(私认为对于毛利来说很好实现 另外NanaZip是国人做的(估计只是喜欢日语,另外我发现网上犄角旮旯处蛮多人觉得是日本人做的...就像Windows自带WinRAR就是软软做的...甚至百度AI问答科普7-Zip是乌克兰自由职业者做的...[口吐芬芳]

Mapaler commented 3 weeks ago


6uO commented 3 weeks ago


MouriNaruto commented 3 weeks ago


M2-Team is always here and never changed since the beginning.

We created the M2-Team because we wanted to cooperate with the NSudo project.

I'm the original author of the NSudo project. I decided to have a team with my advisor (Himi Misaki) and the historic NSudo mod author (Ruqing Yang).

But many years later, Himi Misaki put his more interest to the Love Live project. Ruqing Yang tried his best to reach Zhejiang University to achieve his dream. Everyone has their own life.

So, the M2-Team began with me and the initial style ended by me.

Kenji Mouri

MouriNaruto commented 3 weeks ago

I don't care people who guess where I'm from. But at least I can tell you I'm happy and went out of the deep dark life shadow via this alias name.

I hope people can treat this identity like virtual YouTubers.

Here is the note of the reason why I named this project to this name.


Kenji Mouri

6uO commented 2 weeks ago

Is interesting story, 祝愿M2长盛不衰、名垂青史。