M2Team / NanaZip

The 7-Zip derivative intended for the modern Windows experience
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NanaZip is 4x slower than 7-zip #69

Open thommycgn opened 2 years ago

thommycgn commented 2 years ago

When I compress a 800MB tar archive into a 7z under Windows 11 (AMD Ryzen 7 4800H), NanaZip takes about 4 times longer than 7-zip. NanaZip uses only about 20% of the CPU. The current version of 7-zip uses over 95%. I have tried the NanaZip and the NanaZip preview. It also doesn't matter if you install from the Microsoft App Store or if you install via the installer.

MouriNaruto commented 2 years ago

You should provide more information.

Kenji Mouri

MouriNaruto commented 2 years ago


NanaZip uses only about 20% of the CPU. The current version of 7-zip uses over 95%.

NanaZip can uses most compute resources from CPU if you see my screenshot.

Kenji Mouri

aztechnoob commented 2 years ago

我遇到了同样的问题。如果是在文件夹上右键选择“添加到‘xxx.7z'"会出现这种情况,CPU占用大约20%,内存能用完;如果是选择”添加到压缩包...“,然后再确认(不修改压缩选项)则不会出现。原版7-zip 21.07没有这种情况出现。我的机器配置R5-5600G 16G内存 Win11Pro 22000.593,压缩Office Tools和下载的Office安装文件时遇到的。

dinhngtu commented 7 months ago

Do you have anything under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\NanaZip?