M3IT / COVID-19_Data

COVID-19 Data for Australia
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Data updates stopped in 2022-08-23 #14

Open eguidotti opened 2 years ago

eguidotti commented 2 years ago

Hi @M3IT, the data have not updated since 23 Aug 2022 (see also https://github.com/covid19datahub/R/issues/13). Would you be able to fix that? Thanks as always for your help! All the best, Emanuele

M3IT commented 2 years ago

Between me being sick for a bit (COVID of course), and some Aus state govts moving to weekly reporting and the collator of my data source having other work, things got a bit behind. I've run an update now, but the data sources are still a few days to a week behind, so tomorrow's update should get everything as accurate as it will be moving forward.

eguidotti commented 1 year ago

Hi @M3IT, thanks once again for your help!

It seems that missing data are now coded as zeros in https://github.com/M3IT/COVID-19_Data/blob/master/Data/COVID19_Data_Hub.csv

For instance, vaccines and recovered are zeros for Australia in 2022-09-22. I am temporarily reading the zeros in the file as missing values.

Is that intentional?

M3IT commented 1 year ago

Hi @eguidotti, Data provision by the states in Aus have become less frequent to non-existent. Vaccines data is no longer available through my source since 22 Aug and recoveries since the same date. I haven't changed the code to account for this, but clearly should. Would you prefer missing values be left as missing or as NA? Matt

eguidotti commented 1 year ago

Hi @M3IT, both missing values encoded as empty fields or NA would do. I would avoid zeros because it is unclear whether they represent a value of zero or a missing value. There may be conflicts in some cases. Many thanks!