M4rtinK / modrana

ModRana is a flexible GPS navigation system for mobile devices. This is the main upstream modRana source code repository - waiting for your pull requests & patches! :)
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Multi language voice directions #237

Open M4rtinK opened 6 years ago

M4rtinK commented 6 years ago

This basically amounts to matching the direction languages supported by a routing backend to the languages supported by the TTS engines and exposing the result to the user to choose from. Let's just start with Valhalla for routing as it's both offline and also likely the best routing engine we have available.

Valhalla routing languages

Language tag | Language alias | Description

ca-ES | ca | Catalan (Spain)
cs-CZ | cs | Czech (Czech Republic)
de-DE | de | German (Germany)
en-US | en | English (United States)
en-US-x-pirate | pirate | English (United States) Pirate
es-ES | es | Spanish (Spain)
fr-FR | fr | French (France)
hi-IN | hi | Hindi (India)
it-IT | it | Italian (Italy)
ru-RU | ru | Russian (Russia)
sl-SI | sl | Slovenian (Slovenia)

(from the Valhalla docs)

espeak TTS languages

 5  af             M  afrikaans            other/af      
 5  an             M  aragonese            europe/an     
 5  bg             -  bulgarian            europe/bg     
 5  bs             M  bosnian              europe/bs     
 5  ca             M  catalan              europe/ca     
 5  cs             M  czech                europe/cs     
 5  cy             M  welsh                europe/cy     
 5  da             M  danish               europe/da     
 5  de             M  german               de            
 5  el             M  greek                europe/el     
 5  en             M  default              default       
 2  en-gb          M  english              _en           (en-uk 2)(en 2)
 2  en-gb          M  english              en            (en-uk 2)(en 2)
 5  en-sc          M  en-scottish          other/en-sc   (en 4)
 5  en-uk-north    M  english-north        other/en-n    (en-uk 3)(en 5)
 5  en-uk-rp       M  english_rp           other/en-rp   (en-uk 4)(en 5)
 5  en-uk-wmids    M  english_wmids        other/en-wm   (en-uk 9)(en 9)
 2  en-us          M  english-us           en-us         (en-r 5)(en 3)
 5  en-wi          M  en-westindies        other/en-wi   (en-uk 4)(en 10)
 5  eo             M  esperanto            other/eo      
 5  es             M  spanish              europe/es     
 5  es-la          M  spanish-latin-am     es-la         (es-mx 6)(es 6)
 5  et             -  estonian             europe/et     
 5  fa             -  persian              asia/fa       
 5  fa-pin         -  persian-pinglish     asia/fa-pin   
 5  fi             M  finnish              europe/fi     
 5  fr-be          M  french-Belgium       europe/fr-be  (fr 8)
 5  fr-fr          M  french               fr            (fr 5)
 5  ga             -  irish-gaeilge        europe/ga     
 5  grc            M  greek-ancient        other/grc     
 5  hi             M  hindi                asia/hi       
 5  hr             M  croatian             europe/hr     (hbs 5)
 5  hu             M  hungarian            europe/hu     
 5  hy             M  armenian             asia/hy       
 5  hy-west        M  armenian-west        asia/hy-west  (hy 8)
 5  id             M  indonesian           asia/id       
 5  is             M  icelandic            europe/is     
 5  it             M  italian              europe/it     
 5  jbo            -  lojban               other/jbo     
 5  ka             -  georgian             asia/ka       
 5  kn             -  kannada              asia/kn       
 5  ku             M  kurdish              asia/ku       
 5  la             M  latin                other/la      
 5  lfn            M  lingua_franca_nova   other/lfn     
 5  lt             M  lithuanian           europe/lt     
 5  lv             M  latvian              europe/lv     
 5  mk             M  macedonian           europe/mk     
 5  ml             M  malayalam            asia/ml       
 5  ms             M  malay                asia/ms       
 5  ne             M  nepali               asia/ne       
 5  nl             M  dutch                europe/nl     
 5  no             M  norwegian            europe/no     (nb 5)
 5  pa             -  punjabi              asia/pa       
 5  pl             M  polish               europe/pl     
 5  pt-br          M  brazil               pt            (pt 5)
 5  pt-pt          M  portugal             europe/pt-pt  (pt 6)
 5  ro             M  romanian             europe/ro     
 5  ru             M  russian              europe/ru     
 5  sk             M  slovak               europe/sk     
 5  sq             M  albanian             europe/sq     
 5  sr             M  serbian              europe/sr     
 5  sv             M  swedish              europe/sv     
 5  sw             M  swahili-test         other/sw      
 5  ta             M  tamil                asia/ta       
 5  tr             M  turkish              asia/tr       
 5  vi             M  vietnam              asia/vi       
 5  vi-hue         M  vietnam_hue          asia/vi-hue   
 5  vi-sgn         M  vietnam_sgn          asia/vi-sgn   
 5  zh             M  Mandarin             asia/zh       
 5  zh-yue         M  cantonese            asia/zh-yue   (yue 5)(zhy 5)

(output of espeak --voices )

mimic TTS languages/voices

Voices available: ap slt kal awb kal16 rms awb_time

(output of mimic -lv)

It looks like it's rather voices with different pronunciation mechanisms rather than language specific voices.

pico TTS languages

German (Germany) de-DE Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1)
English (United Kingdom) en-GB Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1)
English (USA) en-US Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1)
French (France) fr-FR Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1)
Italian (Italy) it-IT Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1)
Spanish (Spain) es-ES Latin 1 (ISO 8859-1) 

(from https://github.com/DougGore/picopi/blob/master/pico_resources/docs/SVOX_Pico_Manual.pdf)

flite TTS languages

Just English and some indic languages (?).