A user who adds dockbarx to their panel is only given options to set how it blends with the panel from the plugin preferences, while all other settings are found in the dockbarx preferences app. It would be useful to bring more of these settings into the plugins preferences and have a button which opens the dockbarx preferences app to the windows list tab.
Other options that should also be added are found on the Appearance tab, primarily the 'Theme' and 'Window list style' comoboxes, and the 'Use gtk menu (old style) instead of DockbarX style menu'.
A user who adds dockbarx to their panel is only given options to set how it blends with the panel from the plugin preferences, while all other settings are found in the dockbarx preferences app. It would be useful to bring more of these settings into the plugins preferences and have a button which opens the dockbarx preferences app to the windows list tab.