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Change ADES-PBS to use the testing_free PBS server on Pleiades #128

Closed jjacob7734 closed 1 year ago

jjacob7734 commented 1 year ago

Change ADES-PBS to use the testing_free@pbspl4 PBS server on Pleiades. That PBS server has lower latency between the queued and running states than the standard queues.

Example from @foobob:

qsub -l select=1:model=bro:ncpus=8:mem=30GB,walltime=1:00:00 -q testing_free@pbspl4

Definition of Done:

jjacob7734 commented 1 year ago

I solved this by making the PBS queue name a setting that can be configured with an environment variable, or overridden by a command line argument in the ADES_PBS constructor. The environment variable setting looks like this: export ADES_PBS_QUEUE=testing_free@pbspl4.