MAC-AutoML / rethinking_performance_estimation_in_NAS

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question about train_data and validation_data #8

Closed LiuTingWed closed 4 years ago

LiuTingWed commented 4 years ago

hi I have some problem with train_data and validation_data. I want to run this algorithm(Darts) to datasets A ,which is have 2000 picture, validate to dataset B, which is have 400 picture, However, I noticed that in your code about the setting of the validation set, you split the training set in two and use a part for validation. Sorry, this part of the gradient calculation is not too clear to me. i can't not figure out this part

# phase 2. architect step (alpha) alpha_optim.zero_grad() architect.unrolled_backward(trn_X, trn_y, val_X, val_y, lr, w_optim) alpha_optim.step()


# compute gradient v_alphas = tuple(self.v_net.alphas()) v_weights = tuple(self.v_net.weights()) v_grads = torch.autograd.grad(loss, v_alphas + v_weights) torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(v_grads, 5.) dalpha = v_grads[:len(v_alphas)] dw = v_grads[len(v_alphas):]

so, how can i run this algorithm(Darts) to datasets A , validate to dataset B , any suggestion will appreciate

zhengxiawu commented 4 years ago

Please kindly refer the original paper, The darts code is modified from and If you have any questions about the search code, feel free to make issues in the original code repo.