MADH95 / JSONLoader

Plugin to add cards to Inscryption using JSON files
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Metacategory "Rare" Not working #10

Closed VinsiesPlayer closed 2 years ago

VinsiesPlayer commented 2 years ago

I can get my rare card in normal card choices. Here is the text inside the jldr, incase it tells what is causing the problem: { "name": "InfestedSquirrel", "displayedName": "Infested squirrel", "description": "Like a squirrel, but infested by bees. Can't be sacrificed.", "metaCategories": [ "ChoiceNode", "TraderOffer", "Rare" ], "cardComplexity": "Advanced", "temple": "Nature", "baseAttack": 0, "baseHealth": 1, "tribes": [ "Squirrel" ], "abilities": [ "BeesOnHit" ], "traits": [ "Terrain" ], "texture": "InfestedSquirrel.png", "appearanceBehaviour": [ "RareCardBackground", "TerrainBackground", "TerrainLayout" ] }

MADH95 commented 2 years ago

you shouldn't have "ChoiceNode" and "TraderOffer" if you have rare.

VinsiesPlayer commented 2 years ago

Ok. I thought that without them, it would just be a rare, but non-obtainable.