MAECProject / schemas

MAEC Schemas and Schema Development
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Add reference to CTI JSON Schemas #136

Open ikiril01 opened 6 years ago

ikiril01 commented 6 years ago

We should add references to the CTI JSON STIX 2 schemas for our JSON schemas, especially for the the observable-objects and individual STIX Observable Objects.

gtback commented 6 years ago

@ikiril01 Are you planning to use this repo for the MAEC 5 schemas? I noticed there are already branches.

If you do, can I suggest just switching the default branch to the 5.0 branch, and leaving master untouched, or at least saving the current master branch as a 4.x branch?

Regarding this specific issue, I don't know if you can reference JSON schemas by URL (probably), or if you need to somehow use a git submodule to include them in this repo. Either way, I can help out if you need me to.