[or Menyoo PC] - Trainer/mod menu for Grand Theft Auto V (single-player).
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Did Menyoo Lower the Prop Limit? #428

Open mistahwolf opened 1 year ago

mistahwolf commented 1 year ago

Been trying to get an answer for this since the 'contract' update. All my maps with more than 900 objects/props/peds won't load. They had no problems prior to the contract update. Since then I get a near infinite loading screen and eventually a 'scriphook error' crash. All logs point to Menyoo being the problem. This only happens with large maps. My largest has 1996 pieces. Now I can't even load it in just to reduce the number of props or fix doors to make them compatible for conversion to ymap.

yomamadas commented 1 year ago

I am having problems when I pass the 500 mark. But then most of my files are over 1MB and I use a lot of animations, attachments and markers. Whn the problem you mention occurs you will find a window with a Menyoo error message outside the gta window. If you turn on sound you will hear a ding when this happens.

What version of menyoo did you have no problem with?

OmegAlex10 commented 1 year ago

Do you get a menyoo core crash with an id?

mistahwolf commented 1 year ago

Heh always get the 'ding' and I have to forcibly shut the game down because it causes a scripthook error. Since this last update I've been getting 'TODO' errors about the filing setup. I had 1.5.0 and have had the same issue with 1.7.1 and 2. The contract dlc is when this started. I use Map Builder props.

OmegAlex10 commented 1 year ago

Heh always get the 'ding' and I have to forcibly shut the game down because it causes a scripthook error. Since this last update I've been getting 'TODO' errors about the filing setup. I had 1.5.0 and have had the same issue with 1.7.1 and 2. The contract dlc is when this started. I use Map Builder props.

I had this issue when playing more than 20 animations at once, I still haven't found a fix to it. Before contract dlc indeed everything was fine, now spooner and any spooner like mods are unusable

OmegAlex10 commented 1 year ago

Unless it's a smaller project, but that ain't cool!! >:(

Heh always get the 'ding' and I have to forcibly shut the game down because it causes a scripthook error. Since this last update I've been getting 'TODO' errors about the filing setup. I had 1.5.0 and have had the same issue with 1.7.1 and 2. The contract dlc is when this started. I use Map Builder props.

I had this issue when playing more than 20 animations at once, I still haven't found a fix to it. Before contract dlc indeed everything was fine, now spooner and any spooner like mods are unusable

ghost commented 1 year ago

I may well be wrong here, but i think this issue might have something to do with rockstar adding placeholders for the Expanded & Enhanced Edition into the game files..

mistahwolf commented 1 year ago

"I may well be wrong here, but i think this issue might have something to do with rockstar adding placeholders for the Expanded & Enhanced Edition into the game files.."

You ain't wrong! I took out all those files because they were screwing everything up. Game started running again, but crashes were far more frequent. Usually, it was just something I did or somebody's half-assed mod. On another thread, the teleports are jacked as well. I was wondering, is there a way to set the prop limit in the gameconfig? Maybe raising that number will help? At this point, I don't know what else to do.

yomamadas commented 1 year ago

my gta v is 1.0.2372 what seems before the Contracts.dlc I only use GTA for creating my own fully animated worlds. What I found out about the Menyoo crashes, especially the hanging without recovery is that if I use a 16gb /2gb gpu pc it has much more problems than using a 8gb 4gb gpu pc eve if the video memory is never in the red area. Even reducing the graphics to bare minimum makes no difference.

Since I am pretty sure I am mostly over the intended limits with more than 1.2 GB filesize, 50 to 100 animations, over 750 markers with size way over the Menyoo interface limits (hello Notepad++) My big files take longer to load than the whole GTA V.

This are my first posts on github and I still try to figure out what is the propper way to do things here. Maybe we should go to the discussion part to figure this thing and other quirks out together to understand the limitations of Menoo better. Anyhow, nice to meet fellow MeMos (Menyoo Modders)


(2 acual screenshots of my GALAXY pier superimposed)

mistahwolf commented 1 year ago

yomamadas, you and I are on similar tracks for what we use the game for. We also have the same specs on our pcs. However, I'm nowhere near deep as you with animations. I have one that I'm putting out that has alot of animations and 900+props w/peds, animations and vfx. That loads fine. The only diff between that and my other large builds is it doesn't have any 'MapBuilder' props. I'm starting to think this is a common denomenator as all my other big builds do have MBPs. I tried increasing the Object Pool and nada. Trying to get anything out of the creator of Map Builder only seems to work if you're a patreon. Pass....

yomamadas commented 1 year ago

my current project has nearly 800 markers, some are attached to moving objects, I wanted to hold the prop count low but as time and ideas progress I nearly hit 400. The problem then becomes that some attachments are no longer working. I reduced to 370 props and it is stable. Things I figure out how to work with big prop numbers:


this is my biggest project so far 9 months 15/7 with 450 items, around 20 interactive rides you can ride, if you like, manipulate or just take the ride vehicle and enjoy yourself. It has a central teleporter with over 40 destination where you can do things and the teleport back there. The GALAXY SpacePort is so big, you have to load some attractions before you can go because otherwhise the game would crash if you load it all in one file. Oh and nearly all things are done with special light effects for night time play