[or Menyoo PC] - Trainer/mod menu for Grand Theft Auto V (single-player).
GNU General Public License v3.0
766 stars 487 forks source link

person updating menyoo #638

Open AlphaPrime108 opened 7 months ago

AlphaPrime108 commented 7 months ago

im saying what needs to be said Is the person still updating Menyoo or are they slacking off

ghost commented 7 months ago

You are wasting your time here, learn to update it yourself or use my version.


metoxys commented 7 months ago

You are wasting your time here, learn to update it yourself or use my version.


Where is the source code for this?

ghost commented 7 months ago

@metoxys currently sitting in my slave drive and thats where its staying. I'm not, and never will be, one of mafins lap dog contributors..

metoxys commented 7 months ago

@metoxys currently sitting in my slave drive and thats where its staying. I'm not, and never will be, one of mafins lap dog contributors..

As far as I can see, you are releasing your version ("modified version" as defined by the license) to the public, meaning that the license requires you to make the source code available to the program's users

ghost commented 7 months ago

I think you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck..

mistahwolf commented 7 months ago

@The-UnXplained Hey do you still have an updated version for the 'Drug Wars' dlc?

Theglobalfive commented 7 months ago

@The-UnXplained What's your beef with mafins?

ghost commented 7 months ago

@mistahwolf no sorry, i only have updated version for v1.0.3028.0

ghost commented 7 months ago

@Theglobalfive I contacted the guy years ago on the 5mods site (if i remember correctly this was around 2019) and asked him what he was doing with this menu because he seemed to be slacking off updating it, he told me he was done with it, so i asked him if was ok if i took it over and kept it updated. He told me i could do whatever i liked with it. After i updated it and attempted to upload it to the 5mods site (even with proof of what he said) they denied it. Afew days later, i learn he is good friends with the moderators on that site and he suddenly changes his mind and wanted to keep it, and wanted others to update it for him only on here, most likely so he can just sit back and continue taking all the credits for updating it when infact others are doing all the work for him. No doubt he will show up soon to delete my comments or continue denying all knowledge of any such conversation.

ghost commented 7 months ago

@vbelevcev Your childish gibberish comments crack me up haha

metoxys commented 7 months ago

@mistahwolf no sorry, i only have updated version for v1.0.3028.0

As for me, I update for myself, and do not spam everyone that I am so smart and cool, download my version, I have fixed much more problems than you, and updated many lists why I do not write about it? You are subscribed to me on github and probably downloaded my version, and now you are jealous.

Can you set up another repository for a version that doesn't have the Russian changes? I've considered having a fork which includes the open pull requests from here, but I don't have the time to maintain the repository and test the changes at the moment

ghost commented 7 months ago



ghost commented 7 months ago

He/she won't setup their own repository and update it themself because he/she is just a script kiddie.


I wouldn't even be surprised if their so called version of the menu is actually just my version renamed and with something dodgy binded to it. haha

BSK-YouTube commented 7 months ago

It is hot here....

ghost commented 7 months ago


@vbelevcev i think you will find that's a problem at your end. lol

My version works just fine apart from one known issue and even that is partially resolved already.

Theglobalfive commented 7 months ago


Я не раз этого челика тут видел. Когда люди открывают проблему на гитхабе менью с тематикой "А где апдейт?", он всегда тут как тут. На любые вопросы по поводу вшитых майнеров и т.д, он никогда не давал чёткий ответ. Релизить сурсняк он почему-то не собирается и по факту у людей возникают вопросы, дак ещё и выпендривается.

Также я иногда поглядывал его сайт и в какой-то момент он хотел сделать из него форум (если кто помнит). Но так как там никто не сидел и скорее всего чувак это понял, он обратно откатился на простую ссылку. Типо лол, он думал, что там сидеть кто-то будет?

Не знаю. Может Мафинс его обидел как-то? Всегда можно стать контрибутором и выпускать обнову на официалку, но видите ли для него это уже личная обида. Вообщем странно, что для такого хорошего трейнера существует такая драма.

Можно ли декомпилировать его асишку и посмотреть чё он там понаписал? Будет интересно.

ghost commented 7 months ago


ghost commented 7 months ago


Я не раз этого челика тут видел. Когда люди открывают проблему на гитхабе менью с тематикой "А где апдейт?", он всегда тут как тут. На любые вопросы по поводу вшитых майнеров и т.д, он никогда не давал чёткий ответ. Релизить сурсняк он почему-то не собирается и по факту у людей возникают вопросы, дак ещё и выпендривается.

Также я иногда поглядывал его сайт и в какой-то момент он хотел сделать из него форум (если кто помнит). Но так как там никто не сидел и скорее всего чувак это понял, он обратно откатился на простую ссылку. Типо лол, он думал, что там сидеть кто-то будет?

Не знаю. Может Мафинс его обидел как-то? Всегда можно стать контрибутором и выпускать обнову на официалку, но видите ли для него это уже личная обида. Вообщем странно, что для такого хорошего трейнера существует такая драма.

Можно ли декомпилировать его асишку и посмотреть чё он там понаписал? Будет интересно.

О боже, еще один тупой русский..

Theglobalfive commented 7 months ago

@The-UnXplained I like the fact that you do care about this conversation and translate what we are saying. Rumours about your ego is true since you got so easily offended lmao. Keep reacting to your own comments like a clown.

CJdaMan commented 7 months ago

You are wasting your time here, learn to update it yourself or use my version.


Hello. Since it seems you're most interested in mantaining this mod than the owner of the repository, could you please consider disabling the annoying option to change the color of MP models makeup overlay? It servers no purpose and actually ruins most of the makeup options since, when you load a outfit xml, it's impossible to have a neutral color.

ghost commented 7 months ago

Will look into it later today.

CJdaMan commented 7 months ago

Will look into it later today.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

mistahwolf commented 6 months ago

@The-UnXplained, Are you having issues with Menyoo loading certain numbers of objects? Before the 'contract dlc' I was loading 1996 worth of props. Anything after either wouldn't load or menyoo would crash the game. Since then with each update, the numbers dropped by at least 100. As of the 'Drug Wars' I can barely get 600. It's definitely a 'menyoo' thing since the scripthook log points it out specifically. When I check the event log the error code '0x00000FEA24A3A0 id 39' is listed. Menyoo also has trouble 'remembering' to allow the player to use 'teleport markers' on foot. Early when the game is loaded, the markers work fine. Go somewhere else and come back, the player can't access the marker on foot, but can if it's set up for vehicles. Me and others asked those who worked on menyoo about this and none had a clue....

ghost commented 6 months ago

@mistahwolf I haven't used this menu myself for years, and when i did, i never used the spooner part of it so i'm the worst person to ask anything about that. I only update the basics of the menu to make it compatible with the latest game build for those who still want to use it. The only thing i can think of, off the top of my head with regards to the props issue, is maybe its related to when rockstar added placeholders in the game files for the Expanded and Enhanced Version..

Will take a look at the teleport issue when next updating and see if i can recreate the issue and try and sort it out.

AmazyCrazy commented 6 months ago

@The-UnXplained I assume your updating this for the December 12th update, yes?

Thanks :)

P.S. Keep up the good work :)

ghost commented 6 months ago

Yes, im currently updating it right now.. but obviously awaiting scripthook to be updated so i can test it. 👍

ghost commented 6 months ago

@vbelevcev Aww, whats up sweetheart, can't you update it yourself..

ghost commented 6 months ago

Anyone can just update the version number in main.h and load it with an alternative ASI Loader.. even a retard like you. You do realize there is other things to update and new stuff to add right..?

Updates coming along nicely so far, thanks.. 👍


Theglobalfive commented 6 months ago

@The-UnXplained Can you fix clothes and ped props scrolling? I want to change freemode clothes but since rockstar decided to put E&E content in original DLC files and not just g9ec ones, you can't pretty much scroll past them. I would really appreciate that.

AmazyCrazy commented 6 months ago

@Theglobalfive Yes, he will be fixing that 👍

mistahwolf commented 6 months ago

'I haven't used this menu myself for years, and when i did, i never used the spooner part of it so i'm the worst person to ask anything about that. I only update the basics of the menu to make it compatible with the latest game build for those who still want to use it. The only thing i can think of, off the top of my head with regards to the props issue, is maybe its related to when rockstar added placeholders in the game files for the Expanded and Enhanced Version..'

I concur as this has been an issue since they started that crap. I hope you can figure something out. 'Building w/Spooner' is fast and efficent. I hate that I've lost access to some of my best builds including those I wanted to release. Thanks at least for taking a look.

ghost commented 6 months ago

Can you not just comment that dlc out in the dlclist.xml file?

AmazyCrazy commented 6 months ago

@The-UnXplained as far as I know you can comment out the Expanded and enhanced rpf's because there's actually nothing in them except those white place holders I think.

Theglobalfive commented 6 months ago

Can you not just comment that dlc out in the dlclist.xml file?

Yeah, but like I said those placeholders are in the original rpf's. So it doesn't matter if i comment them out. They are still will be loaded.