Hi !
I tried to do a connexion to Exchange with the ExchangeConnector class from melusine. But when I ran the program the following error appeared :
exchangelib.errors.AutoDiscoverFailed: All steps in the autodiscover protocol failed for email 'my_adress@verlingue.fr'. If you think this is an error, consider doing an official test at https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com
So, I tried to modify the melusine class in order to force the connexion. Here is the code :
class ExchangeConnector:
def __init__(
login_address: str,
password: str,
mailbox_address: str = None,
max_wait: int = 60,
routing_folder_path: str = None,
correction_folder_path: str = None,
done_folder_path: str = None,
login_address: str
Email address used to login and send emails.
password: str
Password to login to the Exchange mailbox
mailbox_address: str
Email address of the mailbox. By default, the login address is used
max_wait: int
Maximum time (in s) to wait when connecting to mailbox
routing_folder_path: str
Path of the base routing folder
correction_folder_path: str
Path of the base correction folder
done_folder_path: str
Path of the Done folder
target_column: str
Name of the DataFrame column containing target folder names
self.login_address = login_address
self.mailbox_address = mailbox_address or login_address
self.folder_list = None
self.target_column = target_column
# Connect to mailbox
self.credentials = Credentials(self.login_address, password)
self.exchangelib_config = Configuration(server= 'mail.company.domain', retry_policy=FaultTolerance(max_wait=max_wait), credentials=self.credentials, auth_type=NTLM)
#add the server name, the auth_type. These parameters can be found in outlook with 'auto configuration test'
# Mailbox account (Routing, Corrections, etc)
self.mailbox_account = Account(
#turn autodiscover off
#acces_type can, as well as the server name or auth_type be found with 'auto configuration test'
# Sender accounts (send emails)
self.sender_account = Account(
# Setup correction folder and done folder
self.routing_folder_path = routing_folder_path
self.correction_folder_path = correction_folder_path
self.done_folder_path = done_folder_path
f"Connected to mailbox {self.mailbox_address} as user {self.login_address}"
Usually with this new code the connexion has to be done. But it might be possible that a SSL certificate error pops up. To counter that you have to disable http verification like that :
from exchangelib.protocol import BaseProtocol, NoVerifyHTTPAdapter
BaseProtocol.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS = NoVerifyHTTPAdapter
Hi ! I tried to do a connexion to Exchange with the ExchangeConnector class from melusine. But when I ran the program the following error appeared :
exchangelib.errors.AutoDiscoverFailed: All steps in the autodiscover protocol failed for email 'my_adress@verlingue.fr'. If you think this is an error, consider doing an official test at https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com
So, I tried to modify the melusine class in order to force the connexion. Here is the code :
Usually with this new code the connexion has to be done. But it might be possible that a SSL certificate error pops up. To counter that you have to disable http verification like that :
Now the connexion works !
Python version : 3.8
Melusine version : 2.3.1
Operating System : Windows 10