MAIF / shapash

🔅 Shapash: User-friendly Explainability and Interpretability to Develop Reliable and Transparent Machine Learning Models
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Index management in the Consistency class #510

Closed ThomasBouche closed 6 months ago

ThomasBouche commented 10 months ago

When indexes are not similar between x and contributions, the error message is not clear to the user.

cns = Consistency()
cns.compile(x=Xtest, # Dataset for which we need explanations


If you have this error, you have to reset your index to have the same between x and contributions.

Shapash's index management should be improved, or a better error message should be provided to better inform the user of what is expected.

Python version :3.10

Shapash version :2.3.7

Operating System :Linux

ThomasBouche commented 6 months ago

i can't reproduce this error