MAIF / thoth

Event sourcing in java with vavr, akka stream and vertx reactive PG driver
Apache License 2.0
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Enhancement : Spring integration ? #32

Open Indy79 opened 3 years ago

Indy79 commented 3 years ago

Hello, have you planned to add a spring integration (like Izanami), i'm not thinking about some magic annotations, but just an auto-configure that create some beans and make the integration straight forward.

I've created a demo project for my company and the integration is quite easy, but a little auto-configuration would make it easier and add a first "good impression" 😄

ptitFicus commented 3 years ago

Hello, sorry for the late response.

We actually use Thoth in Spring(boot) in some of our projects, and the sample application ( is made with Spring.

However I suppose we could do more to ease SpringBoot integration, and your idea of a "starter" with some auto-configuration is an option. What would you auto-configure with such a starter ? I'm thinking of database / kafka connection, and perhaps some automatic wiring.

We could add it in our backlog, however if it's something you'd like to work on feel free to indicate it, and I'll assign you the issue.

@larousso what do you think ?

larousso commented 3 years ago

That could be great !

Indy79 commented 3 years ago

@ptitFicus I was thinking about datasource (connection and transaction manager), kafka, executorService and actorSystem.

I've already try something, it's just a "proof of concept" but it show the main approach i was thinking about (it may not work, i didn't have the time to try as i'm in vacation 😄)