The website of the student organization MAKE NTNU, built with Django.
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Setup and configure `django-pipeline` or similar to minify `.css` and `.js` for deployment #496

Open ddabble opened 1 year ago

ddabble commented 1 year ago

[Originally created on the "Dev-Web" Trello board, by @zootos on March 29, 2018]

Comment by @kalkins on March 21, 2019:

I've found two packages that do this: django-pipeline and django-compressor. django-pipeline seems more mature, but it forces us to define the files to compress in the settings file. django-compressor has a template tag that we surround imports with, which is much easier to use. Both of these requires us to rethink how we handle stylesheets and javascript in included templates.

However, both of these are slightly dead, and the PyPi packages haven't been updated in over a year, which means that they lack support for django 2. I will keep an eye on them, in case they improve