The website of the student organization MAKE NTNU, built with Django.
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Better feedback when creating an article/event #512

Open ddabble opened 1 year ago

ddabble commented 1 year ago

[Originally created on the "Dev-Web" Trello board, by @siireen on September 23, 2019]

When creating an article/event the user need better feedback that they have to write both in Norwegian and English, if they forget to fill out one. The user is returned to the form and it feels like what has been written is gone, and you have to write it again.

Comment by @zootos on February 22, 2020:

Just noting that this should be probably be fixed by add it as functionality to the multilingual input fields in web

ddabble commented 1 year ago

The feedback has been made better after #476 (specifically d98c715b15b12f34889d34a70a86abe1433f5c8e and 665b810a93f42ab48de46a69faf8c4c3f8c416f2), but we can still improve it, e.g. by making it more clear that there is a tab for each language.