The website of the student organization MAKE NTNU, built with Django.
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Add an admin panel for editing the header buttons #523

Open ddabble opened 1 year ago

ddabble commented 1 year ago

[Originally created on the "Dev-Web" Trello board, by @ddabble on February 22, 2020]

This should among other things enable admins to change the order and the color of the buttons in the navigation menu in the header, and the pages/links that they point to.

Could be worth abstracting the nav menu contents using django-simple-menu, and then adding a dynamic setting to settings.CONSTANCE_CONFIG that lets admins customize the order, attributes and contents of the menu items through the Django admin pages. This would ideally include implementing custom form field(s), e.g. for drag-and-dropping the menu items to reorder them.

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