The website of the student organization MAKE NTNU, built with Django.
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Create system(s) for granting/revoking access to services based on `SystemAccess`es, and/or updating `SystemAccess`es based on access to services #643

Open ddabble opened 1 year ago

ddabble commented 1 year ago

"Services" include e.g. Google Drive, Slack, email lists, etc.

For Slack and Discord, it's possible to create apps/bots for automating this, which could communicate with API endpoints on the website server. These could e.g. automatically add people to Slack channels or give them Discord roles when updating their SystemAccesses on the website, or vice versa - i.e. updating their SystemAccesses based on which channels they are added to or roles they are given.

The same goes for Google Drive, Calendar and email lists (through Google Workspace), for which Google has created a plethora of APIs, and also the possibility of running code on their servers through Google Apps Script.