The website of the student organization MAKE NTNU, built with Django.
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At least one (1) available private quota make any reservations, even MakeNTNU reservations #696

Open TheJonaMr opened 7 months ago

TheJonaMr commented 7 months ago

The reservation system requires that you have at least one (1) available private quota to make any reservations, even MakeNTNU reservations.

ddabble commented 5 months ago

Could you provide some more details, please? 🙂 What do you mean by "private quota"? If you mean a quota connected to a user (as opposed to one with the "all users" checkbox checked), then that could be a bug, as the system should allow you to create reservations (including "MAKE NTNU" reservations) even if there are no personal quotas - as long as at least one "all users" quota exists for the machine type being reserved. If this is the case, are you able to describe how to reproduce the bug?