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Cannot Create New Developments in Dev Instance #169

Closed mzagaja closed 7 years ago

mzagaja commented 7 years ago

If I create a new instance of MassBuilds on my local machine, I am unable to create a new development. I receive the following error:

Started POST "/developments" for at 2016-12-22 13:45:08 -0500
Processing by API::V1::DevelopmentsController#create as application/vnd.api+json; application/org.massbuilds.v1
  Parameters: {"data"=>{"attributes"=>{"name"=>"Eye of Sauron", "tagline"=>"Trump Tower", "description"=>"A description by Matt about this thing.", "status"=>"completed", "year-compl"=>2010, "redevelopment"=>false, "asofright"=>false, "age-restricted"=>false, "clusteros"=>false, "phased"=>false, "cancelled"=>false, "private"=>false, "onsitepark"=>2, "address"=>"60 Templ", "latitude"=>42.3550591, "longitude"=>-71.06131479999999, "street-view-latitude"=>42.35501263839569, "street-view-longitude"=>-71.06164608346103, "street-view-heading"=>30, "street-view-pitch"=>5, "tothu"=>0, "prjarea"=>nil, "stories"=>nil, "height"=>nil, "singfamhu"=>0, "twnhsmmult"=>0, "lgmultifam"=>0, "affordable"=>0, "gqpop"=>0, "fa-ret"=>1000, "fa-ofcmd"=>0, "fa-indmf"=>0, "fa-whs"=>0, "fa-rnd"=>0, "fa-other"=>0, "fa-edinst"=>0, "commsf"=>1000, "fa-hotel"=>0, "hotelrms"=>0, "rptdemp"=>0, "emploss"=>0}, "type"=>"developments"}}
  APIKey Load (0.9ms)  SELECT  "api_keys".* FROM "api_keys" WHERE "api_keys"."token" IS NULL LIMIT 1
  APIKey Load (0.6ms)  SELECT  "api_keys".* FROM "api_keys" WHERE "api_keys"."token" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["token", "679c53a75e9ff1ef6d2ceb7aba569ebe"]]
  User Load (0.5ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["id", 12]]
   (0.4ms)  BEGIN
  CACHE (0.2ms)  SELECT  "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1  [["id", 12]]
   (3.1ms)  SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "places" WHERE (ST_Intersects(geom, 'POINT (-71.0613148 42.3550591)'))
  Place Load (3.4ms)  SELECT  "places".* FROM "places" WHERE (ST_Intersects(geom, 'POINT (-71.0613148 42.3550591)'))  ORDER BY
        WHEN type = 'Neighborhood' THEN '1'
        WHEN type = 'Municipality' THEN '2'
        ELSE '3'
     LIMIT 1
Internal Server Error: undefined method `detect' for nil:NilClass /Users/mzagaja/GitHub/massbuilds/lib/nearest_transit.rb:23:in `subway_station'
/Users/mzagaja/GitHub/massbuilds/lib/nearest_transit.rb:17:in `stop_name'
/Users/mzagaja/GitHub/massbuilds/lib/nearest_transit.rb:11:in `get'
/Users/mzagaja/GitHub/massbuilds/app/models/concerns/development/model_callbacks.rb:59:in `update_nearest_transit

It appears that the app is attempting to do something by calling an external service or internal service that it cannot reach. My current theory is that this may be Mapzen and that the path forward is to document the setup of Mapzen for development users in Users will likely need to create a .env file with their Mapzen API key set.