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Allowing for selects of commercial use type without needing to input specific floor area #336

Open sophiegr opened 4 months ago

sophiegr commented 4 months ago

Describe the feature. What should a user be able to do? The "Commercial Area" box should be modified to allow for more flexibility like when lacking specific floor area values.

Why do we need this feature? Currently, under in the "Commercial Area" box, you must input floor area for retail or office/medical, meaning that if you do not know the specific floor area going towards this use, you cannot mark that it is an intended use of the space. Further, sometimes numbers are given, but it will say something like "20,000 sqft for Office/R&D." Currently, we have office/medical as one category and research/development as another, but there is no way to say that 20,000 is going towards both of these things.

Alternatives Guidelines on how to input this information in the description if it can't be done easily in the "Commercial Area" box.

Additional context Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 6 16 39 PM