MAPC / myschoolcommute

Walk Boston Parent Survey
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Numerous Translation Issues #43

Closed TimReardon closed 10 years ago

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

• Reinstate Haitian Creole option and confirm it works • Home page: “Scroll or start typing…” is not translated • “About” page: only first paragraph is translated; nothing after “read more…” • Survey page: last bullet of intro text is not translated (“if you have questions, please contact….”) • Survey page: italic formatting of bullet text is messed up – displays style code • Survey page: URLs in intro text • Survey page: “(Required)” is not translated • Survey page: questions are not numbered • Footer information is not translated on any page

demiurg commented 10 years ago

Hi, I'm updating the translations, and unfortunately they're not very good because they are auto-generated. For good translations, it would be best to have an actual translator. About the second to last point: "questions are not numbered". How does this work for multiple children? The numbers would have to repeat. Also, I thought we tried this already and agreed it wasn't necessary. PS Could you reply on github, not email, that way its easier to keep the conversation in one place :)

matthewhanson commented 10 years ago

We should have proper translations for the survey itself, but the rest is auto-generated.

We did talk about numbering and decided it didn't make sense. Tim did you mean the questions should be numbered, or is there a translation that refers to numbered questions?

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

Matt is right about the translations--actual human translations for the survey questions themselves and auto translate for rest of website text (so it can be edited easily.)

About the numbers--I forgot we decided to skip the numbering on the survey form, so you can ignore that bullet in the issue. Thanks! T

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

Hi gentlemen, how are we doing on this issue? I see some activity above, but most of the bulleted issues are still present on the site. I also noticed that the expansion text is not translated on the home page either, nor in the first of the expansion boxes on the about page.

Regarding the Haitian Creole, did we provide translated text for that? I cannot find any translated files, though i cannot find any for Khmer either, which makes me wonder if that survey references a human translation or is auto-translated. In either case, i will need to get surveys translated for both Khmer and Haitian Creole so that we can make paper versions.

Thanks, Tim

matthewhanson commented 10 years ago

Tim, can you send all the translation files to Pavel again? Thanks.

demiurg commented 10 years ago

It appears that for human translation, what we need is a translation document, in human readable form, with English source and a translation for each language a person was able to translate.

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

Pavel, Just emailed you a zipfile with word docs of each translation. Let me know if it did not come through. thanks T

demiurg commented 10 years ago

I got it, thank you. Is it okey if I add these to this repository? These might be useful later if we regenerate the translation files again.

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

Good idea. Thanks.

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

Pavel, I received the template and sample you sent. I'm having an analyst work on that tomorrow. Given the differences in wording, it may require some additional translation, but that shouldn't take long. In the meantime, is it possible to add the Haitian Creole page (using google translate, as for the other ones) and to deal with some of the other minor issues above while you are waiting for the formatted translation files? If it makes sense to wait, i understand, but i would like to keep things moving. Thanks, Tim

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

I don't see the Haitian Creole option in the banner

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

"Scroll or start typing your school name" not translated on home page

demiurg commented 10 years ago

Ok, Haitian Creole has been fixed.

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

Links to PDF surveys for Haitian Creole and Khmer have been posted on District Resources page but all four links lead to 404 error. I think PDFs are not posted in correct repository?
Thanks, Tim

demiurg commented 10 years ago

It was a configuration error on the server, should be fixed now.

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

looks good. thanks pavel.