MAPC / myschoolcommute

Walk Boston Parent Survey
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Add survey set selection to batch entry #59

Closed demiurg closed 9 years ago

demiurg commented 10 years ago

Add a field at the top of the batch entry form to specify survey instance that the record should be associated with. Assign the date of the manually entered survey to last date of survey instance or the current date if survey is still active. Once a batch entry form is submitted, set the default survey instance for the next open form to be the instance on the previous form, so the data entry operator does not need to set it each time.

TimReardon commented 10 years ago

Yes, if "previous form" means previous form submitted by that same user. If it just references the most recent survey in the database then simultaneous data entry in two different districts could result in dates that are all mixed up. You probably already thought of this--just confirming.

matthewhanson commented 10 years ago

Still outstanding. Batch entry needs a way to specify instance....when submitting a date (perhaps the middle of the instance range) should then be assigned to each survey.

demiurg commented 10 years ago

the creation date added and gets saved from previous entry

TimReardon commented 9 years ago

This function is not working. I just added a survey using the bulk entry form and specified September 26 as the survey date, but when i look at the survey record in the admin console both the created and modified date are today. As a result, hundreds of surveys that have been entered using the bulk data entry form now fall outside the survey instance range. This is a core functionality of the survey instance process which is not working.

demiurg commented 9 years ago

Can you give a link to the survey you are looking at through the admin site?

The created field should not actually be editable through the admin interface.

TimReardon commented 9 years ago

I deleted it already. But if you look at the list of surveys there have been dozens entered today that should have a date corresponding to a september survey instance. Or simply try creating your own record through the bulk entry form and you will see what i mean. I am aware that the created field is not editable through the admin interface, but i can view it in the list and see that it does not correspond to the date entered through the form.

demiurg commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I replicated it. It's unfortunate this hasn't been caught before, it was a matter of the auto-population function overriding the field after it has been manually set. The fact that it carried over to next page made it seem to work. I have fixed this now.

I don't think it's possible to get back what was lost, but I can try and create a batch editing page. Since surveys can still be sorted by modified and school name, it's possible to set the creation times correctly based on paper record?

TimReardon commented 9 years ago

Yes, it's unfortunate. I did just create a new survey and see that the created date does reflect what i entered into that field, so that's good.
Yes, we will need a mechanism to edit the creation dates directly, though that will be based on the existing survey instances, not paper records.

TimReardon commented 9 years ago

I see you've made the creation date editable in the school record of the admin interface. Is there any way to do it for multiple records at a time, or at least navigate directly from one survey to the next?

demiurg commented 9 years ago

I just added batch editing capability, and excluded only the location from it. I also added user to the survey list table, so the batch forms can be differentiated, as they would have a user assigned to them.

demiurg commented 9 years ago

The way batch editing works is that multiple entries are ticked off and 'Mass Edit' is selected from the 'Actions' dropdown. Please test it and let me know if anything else should be added.

TimReardon commented 9 years ago

OK, i see that. Looks like that should work. thanks for dealing with it so fast. Wish we had noticed earlier!
Can you see my other issue about the server error for school records, and let me know if there would be any negative repercussions if the school NAME were to be changed?
Thanks! Tim

TimReardon commented 9 years ago

The batch editing worked great. I managed to edit about 1100 records in a half hour, and all the manually entered surveys now have a survey date within the start and end dates of the appropriate survey instance.