MASILab / 3DUX-Net

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About the AMOS validation and the #36

Closed Seconight closed 1 year ago

Seconight commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thank you for your great work in 3DUX-Net! And I have a few questions: I've seen the dataset_AMOS.json and there's 180 cases in Training and 20 cases in Test, and in the paper the ratio is 160:20:20. Are the 20 cases in the validation dataset randomly selected from the training set? Or are there other methods of splitting the training dataset? And, I didn't find find the code for calculating the mean dice of each category and the total in the Could you please provide specific code for calculating the metrics in the paper? Thank you for your reply~

leeh43 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for your interest towards our work! I have tried the scenario of randomly sampled 20 cases for validation and the scenario of last 20 subjects (with last 20 subject numbers). Both demonstrates similar results and I would recommend to use the scenario of last 20 subjects.

For computing the Dice score, I have another python file to compute it and will upload to the GitHub afterwards.

Seconight commented 1 year ago

I got it! Thank you for your reply and work!