Distortion correction of diffusion weighted MRI without reverse phase-encoding scans or field-maps
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Distorted topup images after creating the synthesised undistorted b0 image #25

Closed vincehmh closed 2 years ago

vincehmh commented 2 years ago


First of all, thank you for the wonderful codes, it really helps the research community when dealing with old, large-scale databases without reverse phase-encoding or good quality T2 images.

I have a similar issue with Topup failed following the generation of undistorted b0 through the synb0 docker #11 , where my b0_all_images are stretched along the anterior-posterior direction, starting from the plane of cerebellum, and continue till the bottom few slices. This carries over to FSL eddy current correction, producing very elongated slices of image at the inferior part of the brain. I wonder if anything went wrong before running topup (which I ran it outside of Docker in terminal, but following the topup settings as used in the script), but results seemed to look normal.

image b0 all distorted (original)

image b0 all undistorted

image b0 raw

image b0 all topup distorted

image b0 all topup undistorted

My acqparams.txt looks like this: 0 1 0 0.07 0 1 0 0.000000

topup command: topup --imain=OUTPUTS/b0_all.nii.gz --datain=INPUTS/acqparams.txt --config=b02b0.cnf --iout=OUTPUTS/b0_all_topup.nii.gz --out=OUTPUTS/topup --subsamp=1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 --miter=10,10,10,10,10,20,20,30,30 --lambda=0.00033,0.000067,0.0000067,0.000001,0.00000033,0.000000033,0.0000000033,0.000000000033,0.00000000000067 --scale=0

Any ideas what caused the issue? Thank you in advance!

Best regards, Vincent