MASQ-Project / MASQ-Node-issues

This repo contains the issues that are used for planning MASQ Node product work. It has no code in it, only GitHub issue tickets
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Review the state of Mock Blockchain Client Server #805

Open Syther007 opened 1 month ago

Syther007 commented 1 month ago

MockBlockchainClientServer has been migrated to masq_lib/src/test_utils/ From multinode_integration_tests/src/

So we have access for testing in Node.

However the currents tests for MockBlockchainClientServer rely on Docker and unable to be migrated at the same time.

This card is to remind us to come up with a solution to resolve this. We currently need MockBlockchainClientServer in node and in multinode_integration_tests.

Maybe it would be more appropriate to re-write these test's with out Docker?

kauri-hero commented 1 month ago

there is not a lot of knowledge on the ganache servers and tests written - there are a few. will need to consider how to address this knowledge gap

ganache has been replaced by hardhat amongst the industry