MASTmultiphysics / mast-multiphysics

Multidisciplinary-design Adaptation and Sensitivity Toolkit (MAST) - Sensitivity-enabled multiphysics FEA for design
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Updates for migrating documentation/website hosting #98

Closed jdeaton closed 4 years ago

jdeaton commented 4 years ago

For a couple of months now the documentation website hosting solution based on GitHub was giving trouble with 404 errors showing up on some pages even thought they were clearly available in the host repository. I believe this had something to do with the content distribution network (CDN) GitHub employs for GitHub pages. It seemed to not play as nicely with sites generated from a newer version of Doxygen.

New Hosting and Updated Domain

To fix this, the documentation website has been moved over to a traditional web server. There is also a new domain: This pull request updates the Travis-CI procedures to deploy automatically to the new host for master branch builds originating from the MASTMultiphysics/mast-multiphysics repository.

Temporary Documentation Archives for All Builds

One improvement is also that I've configured the CI process to archive a version of the generated documentation website at for ALL branches on the MASTMultiphysics/mast-multiphysics repository (not done for GitHub forks). This is useful to check that the website builds successfully and looks correct before it deploys on a merge into the master branch in the even you can't run Doxygen locally. The archive can be identified by its corresponding Travis-CI build number.

Note that this archival is not done for Pull Request builds to prevent a third-party from getting arbitrary files/code uploaded to the web host by opening a pull request into a MASTMultiphysics/mast-multiphysics branch from an outside fork. For Pull Requests from branches inside the MASTmultiphysics/mast-multiphysics to the main repo master (or another branch) the build corresponding to the original branch will deploy an archive. This is acceptable because we have some control over who can push new branches into the main MASTmultiphysics/mast-multiphysics repository.

As of now, the host will automatically delete archives that are older than 24 hours.