MATPOWER / matpower

MATPOWER – steady state power flow simulation and optimization for MATLAB and Octave
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matpower7 in matlab2020a test error #207

Closed NoIdeaOfName66 closed 7 months ago

NoIdeaOfName66 commented 1 year ago

Would you like to run the MATPOWER tests now? [Y or N] (default = N) : Y t_test_fcns.................ok t_have_feature..............ok t_mplinsolve................ok (6 of 66 skipped) t_mips......................ok t_mips_pardiso..............ok (60 of 60 skipped) t_qps_mips..................ok t_have_fcn..................ok t_nested_struct_copy........ok t_nleqs_master..............ok (30 of 150 skipped) t_qps_master................Error using mskoptimset (line 67) Expected argument 2 to be a string parameter name or an options structure created with mskoptimset.

Error in linprog (line 138) options = mskoptimset(defaultopt,options);

Error in qps_ot (line 268) linprog(c, Ai, bi, Ae, be, xmin, xmax, x0, ot_opt);

Error in qps_master (line 266) qps_ot(H, c, A, l, u, xmin, xmax, x0, opt);

Error in t_qps_master (line 107) [x, f, s, out, lam] = qps_master([], c, A, l, u, xmin, [], [], opt);

Error in t_run_tests (line 61) feval( test_names{k}, ~verbose );

Error in test_matpower (line 173) all_ok = t_run_tests( tests, verbose );

Error in install_matpower (line 392) test_matpower;

I was able to use matpower successfully before, but I don't know why something suddenly went wrong, so I uninstalled and reinstalled, but the above problems occurred during the reinstallation

NoIdeaOfName66 commented 1 year ago

I delet Mosek solver,then: Would you like to run the MATPOWER tests now? [Y or N] (default = N) : Y t_test_fcns.............ok t_have_feature..........ok t_mplinsolve............ok (6 of 66 skipped) t_mips..................ok t_mips_pardiso..........ok (60 of 60 skipped) t_qps_mips..............ok t_have_fcn..............ok t_nested_struct_copy....ok t_nleqs_master..........ok (30 of 150 skipped) t_qps_master............not ok

Ran 432 of 432 tests: 214 passed, 2 failed, 216 skipped

t_miqps_master..........not ok

Ran 288 of 288 tests: 156 passed, 2 failed, 130 skipped

t_nlps_master...........ok (108 of 540 skipped) t_opt_model.............ok t_om_solve_leqs.........ok t_om_solve_nleqs........ok (36 of 194 skipped) t_om_solve_qps..........not ok

Ran 387 of 387 tests: 205 passed, 2 failed, 180 skipped

t_om_solve_miqps........ok (37 of 118 skipped) t_om_solve_nlps.........ok (94 of 504 skipped) t_qps_matpower..........not ok

Ran 396 of 396 tests: 214 passed, 2 failed, 180 skipped

t_miqps_matpower........not ok

Ran 288 of 288 tests: 156 passed, 2 failed, 130 skipped

t_feval_w_path..........ok t_mpoption..............ok t_loadcase..............ok t_ext2int2ext...........ok t_jacobian..............ok t_hessian...............ok t_margcost..............ok t_totcost...............ok t_modcost...............ok t_hasPQcap..............ok t_pf_ac.................ok t_pf_dc.................ok t_pf_radial.............ok t_cpf...................ok t_islands...............ok t_opf_model.............ok t_opf_model_legacy......ok t_opf_default...........ok t_opf_fmincon...........ok (62 of 872 skipped) t_opf_mips..............ok (280 of 1308 skipped) t_opf_dc_default........ok t_opf_dc_cplex..........ok t_opf_dc_gurobi.........ok t_opf_dc_mips...........ok t_opf_dc_mips_sc........ok t_opf_dc_ot.............ok t_testglobalopt.........ok t_opf_userfcns..........ok t_opf_softlims..........ok t_runopf_w_res..........ok t_dcline................ok t_get_losses............ok t_load2disp.............ok t_makePTDF..............ok t_makeLODF..............ok t_printpf...............ok t_vdep_load.............ok t_total_load............ok t_scale_load............ok t_apply_changes.........ok t_psse..................ok t_off2case..............ok t_auction_mips..........ok t_runmarket.............ok Ran 14253 of 14253 tests: 12694 passed, 10 failed, 1549 skipped Elapsed time 70.21 seconds.

NoIdeaOfName66 commented 1 year ago

I install matpower8 replace matpower7 in matlab2020a, then: Would you like to run the MATPOWER tests now? [Y or N] (default = N) : Y t_test_fcns...............ok t_have_feature............ok t_mplinsolve..............ok (8 of 180 skipped) t_mips....................ok t_mips_pardiso............ok (60 of 60 skipped) t_qps_mips................ok t_have_fcn................ok t_nested_struct_copy......ok t_nleqs_master............ok (30 of 150 skipped) t_pnes_master.............ok t_qps_master..............ok (216 of 432 skipped) t_miqps_master............ok (130 of 288 skipped) t_nlps_master.............ok (108 of 540 skipped) t_opt_model...............ok t_om_solve_leqs...........ok t_om_solve_nleqs..........ok (36 of 194 skipped) t_om_solve_pne............ok t_om_solve_qps............ok (180 of 387 skipped) t_om_solve_miqps..........ok (37 of 118 skipped) t_om_solve_nlps...........ok (94 of 504 skipped) t_qps_matpower............ok (180 of 396 skipped) t_miqps_matpower..........ok (130 of 288 skipped) t_feval_w_path............ok t_mpoption................ok t_loadcase................ok t_ext2int2ext.............ok t_jacobian................ok t_hessian.................ok t_margcost................ok t_totcost.................ok t_modcost.................ok t_hasPQcap................ok t_mp_mapped_array.........ok t_mp_table................ok (12 of 332 skipped) t_mp_data_model...........ok t_dmc_element.............ok t_mp_dm_converter_mpc2....ok t_nm_element..............ok t_port_inj_current_acc....ok t_port_inj_current_acp....ok t_port_inj_power_acc......ok t_port_inj_power_acp......ok t_node_test...............ok t_run_mp..................ok t_run_mp_3p...............ok t_pretty_print............ok t_mpxt_reserves...........ok t_pf_ac...................ok t_pf_dc...................ok t_pf_radial...............ok t_cpf.....................ok (97 of 415 skipped) t_islands.................ok t_opf_model...............ok t_opf_default.............ok t_opf_fmincon.............ok (62 of 896 skipped) t_opf_mips................ok (286 of 1344 skipped) t_opf_dc_default..........ok t_opf_dc_cplex............ok t_opf_dc_gurobi...........ok t_opf_dc_mips.............ok t_opf_dc_mips_sc..........ok t_opf_dc_ot...............ok t_opf_userfcns............ok t_opf_softlims............ok t_runopf_w_res............ok t_dcline..................ok t_get_losses..............ok t_load2disp...............ok t_makePTDF................ok t_makeLODF................ok t_printpf.................ok t_vdep_load...............ok t_total_load..............ok t_scale_load..............ok t_apply_changes...........ok t_psse....................ok All tests successful (15520 passed, 1666 skipped of 17186) Elapsed time 125.79 seconds.

maybe the question is solved ...

NoIdeaOfName66 commented 1 year ago

Now I have a new question: when I install matpower8 in matlab2023a, matlab crashes...

rdzman commented 1 year ago

Regarding the first error, no need to completely delete MOSEK. By default, MOSEK includes replacements for a number of the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox functions, in this case linprog(), but they are not 100% compatible which causes problems for MATPOWER.

The solution is to remove these replacement functions from the MATLAB path. My suggestion is to type which linprog at the MATLAB prompt to find the path to the lingprog() function installed by MOSEK. Open the folder containing that file, create a sub-folder called something like ot-replacments and move the following files into that sub-folder to disable them (remove them from the MATLAB path):


Then, restart MATLAB and try running the tests again. This is how I handle the MOSEK installation and it gives me the ability to use both MOSEK and the Optimization Toolbox, not have MOSEK disable and take over for the Optimization Toolbox (which I don’t want).

The second error, I believe, is related to an incompatible change made in the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox 9.5 in R2023a. It was fixed in the master branch of MP-Opt-Model, but that has not yet been included in a new release of MATPOWER. You can either grab the latest MATPOWER from GitHub, which includes that update, or grab the latest MP-Opt-Model to replace the mp-opt-model subdirectory in your current MATPOWER 8.0b1 installation. Either one should allow everything to work fine on the latest MATLAB versions.

I know ... a new release of MATPOWER with this fix is long overdue. Sorry for the trouble.