MOST – MATPOWER Optimal Scheduling Tool, for steady-state power systems scheduling problems.
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FixedReserve constraint as a percentage of some unit's power (Pg) #15

Open lordleoo opened 4 years ago

lordleoo commented 4 years ago

The fixedReserve feature in MOST and MATPOWER allows setting a fixed reserve requirement in power units (i.e. in MW). The system can be divided into zones, and a fixed requirement can be set for each zone. Of course, the system can be declared as one zone, and one fixed reserve value (in MW) is required.

However, going through the literature, i came across many rules-of-thumb for setting the reserve, such as: 1) reserve must be larger than the output of the largest online unit 2) you want to operate some renewable energy source at 5% below its maximum (available) output 3) reserve must be larger than a percentage of a dispatchable/elastic load.

it took me less than an hour to implement this in MOST. but i haven't gone through MATPOWER files to do it.

in the 'mpc.reserve' structure, i'm just going to define a new field called pweights pweights has as many rows as zones pweights has as many columns as the number of generators that is: size(mpc.reserves.pweights) = [nrz , ng] where nrz = size(mpc.reserves.zones,1); ng = size(mpc.gen,1);

Each element in 'pweights' has a coefficient to be multiplied by Pg of a unit. for example, if i have one zone, and i want the reserve to be at least 50% of the power output of the third generator, then: pweights = [0 0 0.5 0]; % assuming i have 4 generators

The required changes in most.m are just 2 lines of code. I'll submit this as a pull-request later. my thesis is due in 3 weeks. the mathematical formula of the old constraint is: sum_i(igr) { R(i(igr)} >= fixed_reserve_requirement the fixed reserve requirement is called Rreq in most.m the new mathematical formula allows both, fixed reserve (in MW) and a percentage of a unit's output sum_i(igr) { R(i(igr)} >= fixed_reserve_requirement + coefficient * Pg rearrange to have all variables on one side sum_i(igr) { R(i(igr)} - coefficient * Pg>= fixed_reserve_requirement

usually i'd set the fixed_reserve_requirement in this case to 0. but this way, the constraint is generic. you can apply either type or both.

code changes: at line 1042 of most.m { % original block of code:

          A = r.zones(:, r.igr);
          l = r.req / mpc.baseMVA;
          vs = struct('name', {'R'}, 'idx', {{t,j,k}});
          om.add_lin_constraint('Rreq', {t,j,k}, A, l, [], vs);


% new block of code

if ~isfield(r,'pweights')
r.pweights = zeros(nrz,ng); % for backward-compatibility
assert(size(r.pweights,2)==ng,'Number of columns of reserve.pweights mst be = n_gen');
A = [r.zones(:, r.igr)]; % P is already in pu, no need to divide by baseMVA
l = r.req / mpc.baseMVA;
vs = struct('name', {'R','Pg'}, 'idx', {{t,j,k}, {t,j,k}});
om.add_lin_constraint('Rreq', {t,j,k}, [A, -r.pweights], l, [], vs);

% ================================================ a few notes:

% ======================================================================== % MOST example 3; see how fixed_resreves work

which_load = isload(mpc.gen);
mpc.reserves.zones = ones(ng,igr);
mpc.reserves.pweights = eye(size(mpc.reserves.zones,1),ng);
mpc.reserves.req = zeros(size(mpc.reserves.zones,1),1);
clc; clear all; define_constants;
% mpc = loadcase('ex_case3_2zones');
mpc = loadcase('ex_case3b');
% mpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'most.dc_model', 0); % mpopt must have already been defined before. this line will throw an error
mpopt = mpoption('most.dc_model', 0); % use model with no network
mdi = loadmd(mpc);
mdi.FixedReserves = mpc.reserves; % include fixed zonal reserves
% It is NOT enough to have only mpc.reserves defined and most.fixed_res=1
% you must also defined mdi.FixedReserves

mdo = most(mdi, mpopt);
r2 = mdo.flow.mpc;
Pg2 = r2.gen(:, PG);        % active generation
lam2 = r2.bus(:, LAM_P);    % nodal energy price
R2 = r2.reserves.R;         % reserve quantity
prc2 = r2.reserves.prc;     % reserve price
ms = most_summary(mdo);
disp(['Total reserve is ',num2str(sum(R2(:)))]);

% ======================================================================== % this is the case file now. notice the definition of reserve.pweights

function mpc = ex_case3_2zones
%   MOST
%   Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
%   by Ray Zimmerman, PSERC Cornell
%   This file is part of MOST.
%   Covered by the 3-clause BSD License (see LICENSE file for details).
%   See for more info.

%% MATPOWER Case Format : Version 2
mpc.version = '2';

%%-----  Power Flow Data  -----%%
%% system MVA base
mpc.baseMVA = 100;

%% bus data
%   bus_i   type    Pd  Qd  Gs  Bs  area    Vm  Va  baseKV  zone    Vmax    Vmin
mpc.bus = [
1     3     0     0     0     0     1     1     0   135     1  1.05  0.95
2     2     0     0     0     0     1     1     0   135     1  1.05  0.95
3     2     0     0     0     0     1     1     0   135     1  1.05  0.95

%% generator data
%bus Pg    Qg   Qmax  Qmin   Vg mBase status Pmax   Pmin    Pc1 Pc2 Qc1min  Qc1max  Qc2min  Qc2max  ramp_agc    ramp_10 ramp_30 ramp_q  apf
mpc.gen = [
1   125     0    25   -25     1   100     1   200    60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0   250   250     0     0
1   125     0    25   -25     1   100     1   200    65     0     0     0     0     0     0     0   250   250     0     0
2   200     0    50   -50     1   100     1   500    60     0     0     0     0     0     0     0   600   600     0     0
3  -450     0     0     0     1   100     1     0  -450     0     0     0     0     0     0     0   500   500     0     0

%% branch data
%   fbus    tbus    r   x   b   rateA   rateB   rateC   ratio   angle   status  angmin  angmax
mpc.branch = [
1      2  0.005   0.01      0    300    300    300      0      0      1   -360    360
1      3  0.005   0.01      0    240    240    240      0      0      1   -360    360
2      3  0.005   0.01      0    300    300    300      0      0      1   -360    360

%%-----  OPF Data  -----%%
%% generator cost data
%   1   startup shutdown    n   x1  y1  ... xn  yn
%   2   startup shutdown    n   c(n-1)  ... c0
mpc.gencost = [
2      0      0      2     25      0
2    200    200      2     30      0
2   3000    600      2     40      0
2      0      0      2   1000      0

%%-----  Reserve Data  -----%%
%% (same order as gens, but skipping any gen that does not belong to any zone)
mpc.reserves.cost  = [  1;  3;  5;  ];

%% OPTIONAL max reserve quantities for each gen that belongs to at least 1 zone
%% (same order as gens, but skipping any gen that does not belong to any zone)
mpc.reserves.qty   = [  100;    100;    200;    ];

switch 1
case 0
disp('Two zones of reserve, requirement is a fixed value in MW');
mpc.reserves.zones = [
    1   0   0   0;
    0   1   1   0;
% number of columns  of pweights must be the same as the number of generators
mpc.reserves.pweights = [
0   0   0       0; % no relative constraint on reserve in this zone
0   0   0.75    0; % reserve in zone 1 must be > 0.75 Pg of generator 3 + fixed margin of 50 (see below)
mpc.reserves.req   = [50; 50];

case 1 % reserve is larger than max(Pg(:))
disp('Reserve requirement is: larger than max(Pg)');
mpc.reserves.zones = ones(3);
mpc.reserves.pweights = eye(3,4);
mpc.reserves.req = zeros(3,1);

case 2 % reserve is > 25% of dispatchable load
disp('Two zones of reserve, requirement is 25% of total generation ( = load)');
mpc.reserves.zones = [1 1   1   0];
mpc.reserves.pweights = [0 0 0 -0.25]; %notice the negative
mpc.reserves.req   = [0];
error('No can do');
rdzman commented 4 years ago

I like this! Nice idea.

Pull requests are welcome, but I think I'd prefer to start by adding it to MATPOWER where it'll be easier to test and document.

lordleoo commented 4 years ago

I'm glad you liked it. I hope this makes up for my other issue earlier today.

For MOST manual, you can refer to the following papers and make the following argument:

This feature is particularly useful with renewable energy sources. According to [1-4], operating a wind turbine at 5% below the available (maximum) power from wind contributes significant cost savings on primary reserve. i know that this margin we're talking about is a fraction of PMAX, and it can be defined in mpc.reserve.req as a fixed number; but for a generic one-time solution that applies to all time steps (t) and all scenarios (j), you can just enter it as pweight(:,iwind) = (1/0.95)-1=0.0526;

[1] Ye Wang ; Herman Bayem ; Maria Giralt-Devant ; Vera Silva ; Xavier Guillaud ; Bruno Francois, " Methods for Assessing Available Wind Primary Power Reserve," IEEE {Trans.} on Sustainable Energy, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 272-280, January 2015. [2] E. Saiz-Marin, J. Garcia-Gonzalez, J. Barquin, and E. Lobato, “Economic assessment of the participation of wind generation in the secondary regulation market,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 866–874, May 2012. [3] M. Hedayati-Mehdiabadi, K. W. Hedman, and J. Zhang, “Reserve policy optimization for scheduling wind energy and reserve,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 19–31, Jan. 2018.

and if i may cite my ownself: [4] B. Mohandes, M. S. E. Moursi, N. Hatziargyriou and S. E. Khatib, "A Review of Power System Flexibility With High Penetration of Renewables," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 3140-3155, July 2019. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2019.2897727

lordleoo commented 4 years ago

Hi. I'm back. I've implemented this in MATPOWER. i should've done it earlier, it's just 4 lines of code

in MATPOWER library, toggle_reserves.m replace the line: om.add_lin_constraint('Rreq', r.zones(:, igr), lreq, [], {'R'}); %the original replace with:

if ~isfield(r,'pweights')
    nrz = size(r.zones,1);
    r.pweights = zeros(nrz,ng); % remember to check how & where 'r' was created, and whether its fields are transferred from another structure
  assert(size(r.pweights,2)==ng,'Number of columns of reserve.pweights must be = n_gen');
  om.add_lin_constraint('Rreq', [r.zones(:, igr), -r.pweights], lreq, [], {'R','Pg'});

I'm not good with github, not sure how to submit pull-requests. i'll try. @rdzman Dr. Rayman, can we discuss preparting the documentation for this. what is your preferred style, etc.

rdzman commented 4 years ago

Thanks, again. I really do like this idea.

I've opened MATPOWER issue #104 to track the inclusion of this feature in MATPOWER, so we can move the discussion there until it's in MATPOWER, and use this space for subsequent inclusion into MOST.