MBRO95 / PortableCellNetwork

Utilize a Raspberry Pi and a Nuand BladeRF to generate your own portable local cell network
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bladerf x40 firmware loaded/reflashed raspberry/gprs anmd sms to eliza dont work they fail #26

Closed asiawatcher closed 1 year ago

asiawatcher commented 3 years ago

Hi there sorry to bother you again but i'm trying hard to make this work i have read lots of documentation.

Indeed i didn't see about the specific firmware i thought newer one will do also I'm sorry for that I didn't see anywhere that it wont work with other firmwares except 1.9.1 ONLY , the guide just said download and install 1.9.1 firmware it didn't say it wont work with anything else but this. or at least i didn't see it.

the good news is that my phone has connected to the cell network bow but gprs and sms to eliza sms chat robot dont work.

I dont know if i should mess with the settings as this image is ready to go and has already set up all those right? in your video it appears you connect to gprs immediatelly after connecting to the network so my question is should i mess with the settings or I'm doing something wrong ?

I'm using it on a phone without sim card but i have allowed all callers (.*) if i program and install sim will the sms and gprs work or its irrelevant ?

cheers and sorry for the lots of questions this is a great project and you have done a great job but as it seems in every forum anyone says whatever they want so i thought it would be better to ask here since you are the maker of this.

do i need to mess with any settings or ? cheers


asiawatcher commented 3 years ago

of course when i say out of the box of course i have changed the ip addresses to reflect my network like in the picture


where is my dns server ands the MS.IP.Base the ip of my router/dhcp server if i understand well.

do i need to set up ip tables like so:

root@raspberry:/var/www/html# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o [Raspberry Pi network interface connected to the Internet] -j MASQUERADE

its already set up i think right ?

MBRO95 commented 3 years ago

No worries, I just get bugged when questions are asked that are already answered in the documentation provided.

Your setup looks like it’s working to me. The phones never had a data connection and the network is ad-hoc only. We never connected it to an internet network of any sort so SMS and calls only work to phones that are connected to your base station. This was what the project was intended to do. Just an ad hoc network that used cell phones instead of, per se, walkie talkies.

asiawatcher commented 3 years ago


but in here it shows you connect to the web server of your uni but i guess its in the local lan thats why you can connect ?

also what do you mean by "so SMS and calls only work to phones that are connected to your base station"

the phones are connected to yatebts but i cannot sms like you do here


here is my message failing


also i would like to ask, in another thread you said to a user asking about creating LTE networks that there are other such projects/software on the web for this. can you suggest one that you have tried or heard of which is free like openbts/yatebts? as one google search for diy lte is overwhelming and most links dont provide any useful information or they prompt me to buy their own hardware/software solution

cheers !

MBRO95 commented 3 years ago

From the phone not displaying the number 308357004 are you trying to text/call 308357004. You should use the numbers the phones provide and not the numbers in the tutorial video as they are auto generated. These numbers should be able to text/call eachother - if not, something in your configuration is wrong. Tireless trial and error gets this working, I will say you're very close given the screenshots and progress you've shared so far.

The ethernet connection in this video is via internet sharing from a laptop, not direct into a router. I believe the Base IP should be a static IP that you set in your router settings for the raspberrypi and its MAC address. I would always recommend using as DNS as that will immediately determine if you have internet connectivity. We did not get this working with wifi or ethernet into a router/switch, because we did not try.

I was not the one to mention about the LTE portion of this - you would have to contact the user who did propose/comment on the issue.

asiawatcher commented 3 years ago

Hi again Matthew thanks for your responses and your patience I know its up to you to help me and that you don't have to, and i appreciate that you are spending time to reply me.

For now i have only tried with one phone as i don't have another one currently (and I'm waiting on monday for the sim card programmer to arrive as well) so i only tried to text the eliza robot which according to your guide i can use to test a single device:

"The Yate NIB setup includes an ELIZA chat bot that you can communicate with by sending SMS messages to 35492. This is a good way to test use of a single device."

which failed. as you seen in the above screenshot

as for the base ip "MS.IP.Base" so i input in that field the ip address of the raspberry or my router ? in some yate forum that i asked they said that should be the dhcp server's address


in your example the ip address you use there in the "MS.IP.Base" is the raspberry or the laptop's ip ?

I'll test with a second phone soon and get back to you


asiawatcher commented 3 years ago

I got Eliza to work !!! it needed to define access point, tried with ip tables and such still no luck will keep on trying

MBRO95 commented 3 years ago

Nice! For the IP base I would try both, I don’t remember how the internet sharing was configured on the laptop, sorry about that. I thought you had said an Alexa Chatbot and not Eliza - totally spaced, that’s why I brought up the internet because not being able to hit an Alexa endpoint and everything. My b. I haven’t looked at this code in 3 years

asiawatcher commented 3 years ago

you don't happen to remember the brand of the sim writer you used do you ? or if you know of which ones will work ?

i just bought one which supports pc/sc protocol as per instructions but it wont work tried with a supersim sim card it throws either errors or it says sim card not in the slot

i bought this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Manhattan-Lettore-di-schede-Smart-Card-SIM-card-a-contatto-USB/282832953661?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

MBRO95 commented 3 years ago

I do not remember. The one we used was recommended from some website (may be in the special thanks links section of documentation). It was opaque white flash drive form. I want to say it was $35, expensive but the cheap ones didn’t work for us