MCBoarder289 / shelf-help

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Add Progress Bar instead of Loading component #1

Closed MCBoarder289 closed 4 weeks ago

MCBoarder289 commented 1 month ago

I would like to implement a progress bar when retrieving the book data from the multi-page shelfs. A simple percentage of 1 / num_pages would suffice, but it would require some refactoring of the cache, including implementing some kind of a background queue (diskcache for now, but could be Celery with Redis to be more productionized).

Helpful stackoverflow on implementing this:

MCBoarder289 commented 1 month ago

Perhaps a loading component but with modal-like features (making the background darker) would work as a medium term solution? Here's some links that might be useful:

MCBoarder289 commented 1 month ago

Another helpful link with background callbacks:

MCBoarder289 commented 1 month ago

Actual render implementation on this:

MCBoarder289 commented 4 weeks ago

Not sure this is needed now that the goodreads parser is much faster, and we've eliminated the isbn fallback query.

Happy to reopen later if we think this is still needed.