MCCTeam / Minecraft-Console-Client

Lightweight console for Minecraft chat and automated scripts
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System.InvalidOperationException: object_op ---> System.EntryPointNotFoundException: SystemNative_RealPath (Unable to login into 1.7.10 forge modded server) #684

Closed abodnar closed 5 years ago

abodnar commented 5 years ago

I have a 1.7.10 forge modded server I'm trying to log into with the Minecraft client on Mac using Mono v5.18.0(latest on Homebrew).

When I try using v1.9.0 of the MinecraftClient, I get the following:

Console Client for MC 1.4.6 to 1.9.0 - v1.9.0 - By ORelio & Contributors Password : <**> Connecting to Success. (session ID: 7f4b7c19fb1e4e8b8089564fd51ef3e1) Retrieving Server Info... Server is running Forge. Mod list: mcp v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Forge v10.13.4.1614 additionalresources v0.0.2 appliedenergistics2-core vrv3-beta-6 CodeChickenCore v1.0.7.47 MobiusCore v1.2.5 NotEnoughItems v1.0.5.120 ThE-core v1.0.0.1 OpenModsCore v0.9.1

v000 FastCraft v1.23 bspkrsCore v6.15 StartingInventory v1.7.10.r03 charcoalBlock v1.0 appliedenergistics2 vrv3-beta-6 bdlib v1.9.4.109 ae2stuff v0.5.1.9 AppleCore v1.3.2 CoFHCore v1.7.10R3.1.3 MineFactoryReloaded v1.7.10R2.8.2B1 Baubles v1.0.1.10 Thaumcraft v4.2.3.5 MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft v1.7.10R2.8.2B1 Waila v1.5.10 Automagy v0.28.2 baconators v2.0.3 betterbuilderswands v0.6.1 BiblioCraft v1.11.5 Mantle v1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191 Natura v2.2.0 BiblioWoodsNatura v1.5 ThermalFoundation v1.7.10R1.2.5 ThermalExpansion v1.7.10R4.1.4 BigReactors v0.4.3A Botania vr1.8-249 BrandonsCore v1.0.0.12 ForgeMultipart v1.2.0.345 chisel v2.9.5.11 CarpentersBlocks v3.3.8.1 chancecubes v1.7.10- ChickenChunks v1.3.4.19 compacter v1.1.0.12 ComputerCraft v1.75 cookingbook v1.0.140 MineTweaker3 v3.0.13 endercore v1.7.10- customthings vMC1.7.10-0.0.3-55 PTRModelLib v1.0.0 props v2.3.3 Ding vMC1.7.10v2 DraconicEvolution v1.0.2h DragonMounts vr41-1.7.10 Emotes v1.0 EnderIO v1.7.10- EnderStorage v1.4.7.37 EnderTech v1.7.10- ewysworkshop vEwy's Workshop-1.7.10-1.1.2 exnihilo v1.38-53 RedstoneArsenal v1.7.10R1.1.2 ExtraUtilities v1.2.12 ImmersiveEngineering v0.7.7 TConstruct v1.7.10-1.8.8.build988 exastris vMC1.7.10-1.16-36 excompressum v1.1.143 extracells v2.3.14 harvestcraft v1.7.10j ExtraTiC v1.4.6 ForbiddenMagic v1.7.10-0.575 FTBL v1.0.18.2 FTBU v1.0.18.2 FTBI v1.3.1 GardenOfGlass vsqrt(-1) iChunUtil v4.2.3 Hats v4.0.1 HatStand v4.0.0 headcrumbs v1.7.4 immersiveintegration v0.6.8 ImmibisCore v59.1.4 LunatriusCore v1.1.2.21 InGameInfoXML v2.8.1.82 inpure|core v1.7.10R1.0.0B9 inventorytweaks v1.59-dev-152-cf6e263 IronChest v6.0.60.741 ItsRainingFood v1.0.2 JABBA v1.2.2 journeymap v5.1.4p1 kleeslabs v1.0 lootplusplus v0.24_for_1.7 lootbags v2.0.16 magicalcrops v4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_4b magicalcropsarmour v4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_4 magicalcropsdeco v4.0.0_PUBLIC_BETA_4a mercurius v1.0.1 mfrmagiccropscompat v1.1 MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics v1.7.10R2.8.2B1 MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock v1.7.10R2.8.2B1 MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion v1.7.10R2.8.2B1 MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct v1.7.10R2.8.2B1 MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla v1.7.10R2.8.2B1 modtweaker2 v0.9.6 Morpheus v1.7.10-1.6.21 mputils v1.0.0 mpbasic v1.0.0 NEIAddons v1.12.14.40 NEIAddons|Developer v1.12.14.40 NEIAddons|AppEng v1.12.14.40 NEIAddons|Botany v1.12.14.40 NEIAddons|Forestry v1.12.14.40 NEIAddons|CraftingTables v1.12.14.40 NEIAddons|ExNihilo v1.12.14.40 neiintegration v1.1.2 NEIlootbags v1.1.3 OpenMods v0.9.1 OpenBlocks v1.5.1 OpenPeripheralCore v1.3 OpenPeripheral v0.5.1 OpenPeripheralIntegration v0.5 oreexcavation v1.1.31 RedLogic v59.1.11 rftools v4.23 Sampler v1.59 SimpleAchievements vMC1.7.10-1.1.0-21 SimpleLabels v@VERSION@ simplyjetpacks v1.5.3 slabcraftmod v1.7 snad v1.7.10- SolarFlux v1.7.10-0.8b spatialio-compat vbuild-9 staircraftmod v1.7 StevesFactoryManager vA93 StorageDrawers v1.7.10-1.10.4 StorageDrawersNatura v1.7.10-1.1.1 Sync v4.0.1 tcinventoryscan v1.0.11 tcnodetracker v1.1.2 thaumcraftneiplugin v@VERSION@ thaumicenergistics v1.0.0.5 ThermalCasting v0.0.3 ThermalDynamics v1.7.10R1.2.0 TiConAutoToolStation v1.1.2 TiCTooltips v1.2.5 Translocator v1.1.2.16 treeGrowingSimulator v0.0.4 twitchcrumbs v1.0.10 WailaHarvestability v1.1.6 wailaplugins vMC1.7.10-0.2.0-23 wawla v1.3.1 witchery v0.24.1 withercrumbs v@version@ WR-CBE|Core v1.4.1.9 WR-CBE|Addons v1.4.1.9 WR-CBE|Logic v1.4.1.9 xprings v1.2.0 YUNoMakeGoodMap v3.0 McMultipart v1.2.0.345 libsandstone v1.0.0 IguanaTweaksTConstruct v1.7.10- MooFluids v1.7.10- RanchableFluidCows v1.7.10-1.1.5 ForgeMicroblock v1.2.0.345 Server version : 1.7.10 (protocol v5, with Forge). Translations file loaded. Version is supported. Logging in... Crypto keys & hash generated. Checking Session... Login failed : Failed to check session.

if I try with the most recent development build, I get this:


Any ideas or suggestions?


ORelio commented 5 years ago

It seems like the filesystem watcher part of the Mono framework, used by sessioncache=disk in config, is not working properly.

abodnar commented 5 years ago

I tried updating Mono to Mono JIT compiler version (tarball Tue Mar 12 08:29:42 GMT 2019), but that still didn't resolve it. So tried the sessioncache directive and that worked.


TheSnoozer commented 5 years ago

So tried the sessioncache directive and that worked. Based on that I would assume the issue is solved.

Thanks to ORelio who certainly knows C# magic :-)

Feel free to open a new issue, if you encounter any other issue.

ORelio commented 5 years ago

Please retry sessioncache=disk using latest development build, just added file system polling in case FileSystemWatcher is not supported on your operating system.

abodnar commented 5 years ago

The new build worked. Thanks!