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power systems #18

Open bcwadsworth opened 9 years ago

bcwadsworth commented 9 years ago

Right now we have several power systems all ready implemented, with many more coming down the pipeline: in order for all of us to work together, I wish to put out the following list of systems that will be implemented within the final version:

Magic: packets with 32 different mana types (BCWADSWORTH) Electric: RF? (External API) (Are we making our own here?) (XELITEXERISH) Heat: Joules at a Temperature (Binomial Packet) Rotational: Speed at a Force (Binomial Packet) Pressure: Volume at a Pressure (Binomial Packet) Plasma (High End Electric): RF in a volume at a pressure (Trinomial Packet)

In order to make it easier for everyone, I think we ought to finalize this list and finalize these systems so that everyone may use them for conversion.

realshaunoneill commented 9 years ago

That's a good idea, I can take care and finish the electrical one, I saw on Google drive Deli didn't want to use Rf, so I was just making my own?

bcwadsworth commented 9 years ago

If he doesnt want to use RF, thats fine, I just feel that in the current modding world we ought to try to integrate as much as possible. Does rf meet our needs?

realshaunoneill commented 9 years ago

Rf does meet our needs yes, but it would save a good bit of time, as for our own, I can make our own too it just takes a little longer.

If we choose to make our own we could make power converters? There was a mod a while back that did it, with all the major power networks.

bcwadsworth commented 9 years ago

We could, but overrall it seems like there is no point. People kind of expect rf integration right now. ​

​Why dont we write to RF right now and we can write it as a separate system later​ if we want.

I am going to start work on Heat - heat will be measured in Joules, because of how Specific heat works, as well as not have any transmission system other than being right next to it.

bcwadsworth commented 9 years ago

Unless of course you already have a working system I havent checked

realshaunoneill commented 9 years ago

I do have a working system (well it's just getting a small bit re-done) but I suppose I could easily create a converter?

bcwadsworth commented 9 years ago

Dude, do whatever you think is best. That part is kindof yours

realshaunoneill commented 9 years ago

Okay grand :) il sort something out haha