MCFlowMace / CRESana

Analytic CRES signal modeling
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Feature/misalign coils #13

Open renereimann opened 6 months ago

renereimann commented 6 months ago

Implement rotation in (r,z) and shift in r for misalignment studies.

renereimann commented 5 months ago

I implemented all three suggestions, ready for re-review

MCFlowMace commented 5 months ago

I just looked at the visualization of a coil with r offset and a rotation angle using the visualize function. I'm not sure if the result is expected. I expected the coil moves to a different r position and is rotated in place. But this is not what happens. Using alpha=pi/2 for example the coil is rotated as I expect but it moves to z=r0. I think the order of translation and rotation is messed up. I want to ask you to check this again please.