MCForge / MCForge-Vanilla-Redux

Restart of MCForge Vanilla featuring ClassiCube support.
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How do you plan on handling the new name changes? #53

Open dan-howd opened 9 years ago

dan-howd commented 9 years ago

If you don't know already, I'm talking about this:

What I mean is, won't the ban list, since it's stored as plain text, be completely irrelevant with this in the form MCForge is now? I mean, its a bit of a weird situation I suppose, but couldn't someone just change their name and now they're no longer banned?

UclCommander commented 9 years ago

We're only going to be supporting classicube by that point.

WouterG commented 9 years ago

Can't you convert names to uuid's with http requests to the mojang servers, then store uuids for ban/white/rank/op lists...

UclCommander commented 9 years ago

Honestly, with the state of classic as it is, it's not worth it. It would be easier to, and more time saving, to just drop support and only use CC. It's to the point of asking, is it worth the time supporting something that only, at most, has 15-20 players at a time?

WouterG commented 9 years ago

Or invest time in a plugin/fork of spigot, that makes spigot behave like classic, allows it's clients + latest paid version of minecraft to join, and limits paid version connections to classic blocks and stuff ;p

UclCommander commented 9 years ago

That would be nice and all, but I'm pretty sure both me and Hetal have better things to do with our time right now. Hetal did have an idea similar, but we never had the time to do anything about it.

WouterG commented 9 years ago

It'd be a fun idea if you incorporated something like lava survival in it, which is an idea you could use to team up with a minigame network

ghost commented 9 years ago

Its still a possibility, but not for MCForge, we are going to sooner or later depreciate MCForge-Redux, and replace it with

ghost commented 9 years ago

It was more like a proxy that allowed paid players to join classic servers, I just never got around to making it.