[AAAI 2022] Negative Sample Matters: A Renaissance of Metric Learning for Temporal Grounding
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Experimental results are not the same when run the code multiple times #6

Closed LLLddddd closed 2 years ago

LLLddddd commented 2 years ago


It's a great work in moment localization and achieves significant results! I have some questions about the results when running codes for multiple times. It seems that for the same code and the same hyper parameters, experimental results are not the same when run the code twice.

Have you meet the same problem?Is there any solutions?


zhenzhiwang commented 2 years ago

Please provide more information about the difference, e.g., evaluation results in the log.

LLLddddd commented 2 years ago

for example, on TACoS, we get the results for the first running:

+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | R@1,IoU@0.1 | R@1,IoU@0.3 | R@1,IoU@0.5 | R@5,IoU@0.1 | R@5,IoU@0.3 | R@5,IoU@0.5 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | 47.34 | 36.14 | 25.47 | 77.03 | 60.43 | 45.49 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+

and for the second running:

+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | R@1,IoU@0.1 | R@1,IoU@0.3 | R@1,IoU@0.5 | R@5,IoU@0.1 | R@5,IoU@0.3 | R@5,IoU@0.5 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | 50.01 | 36.67 | 25.64 | 77.36 | 61.93 | 46.54 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+

some metric can differ a lot.

zhenzhiwang commented 2 years ago

Thank you LLLddddd. I don't observe such results. Could you please provide the original log file of these results? Besides, are you sure the hyper-parameters are exactly the same and the resluts are achieved by the same epoch? To a better comparison, please also set the random seeds as the same value. It is the first time for me to know such situation, so please provide more information so that we could better explore the reason behind it.

LLLddddd commented 2 years ago

Hi,thanks for your reply. In order to make sure the hyper-parameters, random seed, etc are exactly the same, I re-download your entire official code.

I only changed the following places of your code:

  1. file path in
  2. since when i run the code, it raises an error in AttributeError: 'RandomSampler' object has no attribute 'set_epoch'. So I delete the code "data_loader.batch_sampler.sampler.set_epoch(epoch)" in 60 line of I'm not sure what's the function of this code line? Will it have effect if i delete it?
  3. I use "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --config-file configs/pool_tacos_128x128_k5l8.yaml" to run the code, I did not use the
  4. I only use 1 gpu card. I did not use distributed training.

All the rest are the same as your official code.

The log of the first running (first two epoch):

nohup: ignoring input 2022-10-22 19:44:48,045 mmn INFO: Using 1 GPUs 2022-10-22 19:44:48,045 mmn INFO: Namespace(config_file='configs/pool_tacos_128x128_k5l8.yaml', distributed=False, local_rank=0, opts=[], skip_test=False) 2022-10-22 19:44:48,045 mmn INFO: Loaded configuration file configs/pool_tacos_128x128_k5l8.yaml 2022-10-22 19:44:48,045 mmn INFO: MODEL: ARCHITECTURE: "MMN" MMN: NUM_CLIPS: 128 JOINT_SPACE_SIZE: 256 FEATPOOL: INPUT_SIZE: 4096 HIDDEN_SIZE: 512 KERNEL_SIZE: 2 FEAT2D: NAME: "pool" POOLING_COUNTS: [15,8,8,8] TEXT_ENCODER: NAME: 'BERT' PREDICTOR: HIDDEN_SIZE: 512 KERNEL_SIZE: 5 NUM_STACK_LAYERS: 8 LOSS: MIN_IOU: 0.3 MAX_IOU: 0.7 NUM_POSTIVE_VIDEO_PROPOSAL: 3 NEGATIVE_VIDEO_IOU: 0.5 SENT_REMOVAL_IOU: 0.5 TAU_VIDEO: 0.1 TAU_SENT: 0.1 MARGIN: 0.1 CONTRASTIVE_WEIGHT: 0.1 DATASETS: NAME: "tacos" TRAIN: ("tacos_train",) TEST: ("tacos_test",) INPUT: NUM_PRE_CLIPS: 256 DATALOADER: NUM_WORKERS: 12 SOLVER: LR: 0.0015 BATCH_SIZE: 4 MILESTONES: (130, 190) MAX_EPOCH: 250 TEST_PERIOD: 10 CHECKPOINT_PERIOD: 10 RESUME: False RESUME_EPOCH: 101 FREEZE_BERT: 40 ONLY_IOU: 100 SKIP_TEST: 0 TEST: NMS_THRESH: 0.4 BATCH_SIZE: 16 CONTRASTIVE_SCORE_POW: 0.3

2022-10-22 19:44:48,046 mmn INFO: Running with config: DATALOADER: NUM_WORKERS: 12 DATASETS: NAME: tacos TEST: ('tacos_test',) TRAIN: ('tacos_train',) INPUT: NUM_PRE_CLIPS: 256 MODEL: ARCHITECTURE: MMN DEVICE: cuda MMN: FEAT2D: NAME: pool POOLING_COUNTS: [15, 8, 8, 8] FEATPOOL: HIDDEN_SIZE: 512 INPUT_SIZE: 4096 KERNEL_SIZE: 2 JOINT_SPACE_SIZE: 256 LOSS: BCE_WEIGHT: 1 CONTRASTIVE_WEIGHT: 0.1 MARGIN: 0.1 MAX_IOU: 0.7 MIN_IOU: 0.3 NEGATIVE_VIDEO_IOU: 0.5 NUM_POSTIVE_VIDEO_PROPOSAL: 3 PAIRWISE_SENT_WEIGHT: 0.0 SENT_REMOVAL_IOU: 0.5 TAU_SENT: 0.1 TAU_VIDEO: 0.1 NUM_CLIPS: 128 PREDICTOR: HIDDEN_SIZE: 512 KERNEL_SIZE: 5 NUM_STACK_LAYERS: 8 TEXT_ENCODER: NAME: BERT OUTPUT_DIR: . PATHS_CATALOG: ./MMN-main-official/MMN-main/mmn/config/ SOLVER: BATCH_SIZE: 4 CHECKPOINT_PERIOD: 10 FREEZE_BERT: 40 LR: 0.0015 MAX_EPOCH: 250 MILESTONES: (130, 190) ONLY_IOU: 100 RESUME: False RESUME_EPOCH: 101 SKIP_TEST: 0 TEST_PERIOD: 10 TEST: BATCH_SIZE: 16 CONTRASTIVE_SCORE_POW: 0.3 NMS_THRESH: 0.4 2022-10-22 19:44:48,046 mmn INFO: Saving config into: ./config.yml Some weights of the model checkpoint at distilbert-base-uncased were not used when initializing DistilBertModel: ['vocab_projector.bias', 'vocab_layer_norm.weight', 'vocab_transform.bias', 'vocab_transform.weight', 'vocab_layer_norm.bias', 'vocab_projector.weight']

0it [00:00, ?it/s] 1it [00:08, 8.09s/it] 2it [00:15, 7.63s/it] 3it [00:24, 8.09s/it] 4it [00:27, 6.36s/it] 5it [00:33, 6.05s/it] 6it [00:43, 7.45s/it] 7it [00:48, 6.79s/it] 8it [00:54, 6.35s/it] 9it [01:02, 6.98s/it] 10it [01:10, 7.19s/it] 11it [01:19, 7.83s/it] 12it [01:25, 7.35s/it] 13it [01:32, 7.28s/it] 14it [01:42, 7.96s/it] 15it [01:49, 7.61s/it] 16it [01:57, 7.67s/it] 17it [02:03, 7.17s/it] 18it [02:10, 7.13s/it] 19it [02:17, 7.28s/it] 20it [02:22, 6.43s/it] 21it [02:27, 6.15s/it] 22it [02:34, 6.25s/it] 23it [02:41, 6.50s/it] 24it [02:49, 6.96s/it] 25it [02:57, 7.30s/it] 25it [02:57, 7.10s/it]2022-10-22 20:00:38,870 mmn.inference INFO: +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | R@1,IoU@0.1 | R@1,IoU@0.3 | R@1,IoU@0.5 | R@5,IoU@0.1 | R@5,IoU@0.3 | R@5,IoU@0.5 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | 24.72 | 11.87 | 4.22 | 40.51 | 27.27 | 16.12 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ 2022-10-22 20:00:38,930 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 11. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:00:38,930 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses

2022-10-22 20:01:12,734 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:43:11 epoch: 11/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.68 loss_sent: 0.96 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 23.59 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:01:41,536 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:38:11 epoch: 11/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.68 loss_sent: 0.97 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.22 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:01:41,689 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 12. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:01:41,690 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:02:16,402 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:34:03 epoch: 12/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.68 loss_sent: 0.96 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.49 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:02:45,657 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:29:54 epoch: 12/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.95 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.27 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:02:45,784 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 13. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:02:45,785 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:03:20,538 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:26:21 epoch: 13/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.96 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.49 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:03:50,474 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:22:56 epoch: 13/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.68 loss_sent: 0.96 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.34 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:03:50,620 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 14. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:03:50,620 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:04:26,146 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:20:04 epoch: 14/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.68 loss_sent: 0.96 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.57 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:04:55,851 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:16:58 epoch: 14/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.31 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:04:55,989 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 15. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:04:55,989 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:05:31,275 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:14:22 epoch: 15/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.95 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.54 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:06:00,960 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:11:35 epoch: 15/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.31 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:06:01,082 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 16. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:06:01,082 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:06:36,527 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:09:18 epoch: 16/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.95 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.56 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:07:06,416 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:06:49 epoch: 16/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.95 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.33 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:07:06,545 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 17. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:07:06,545 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:07:41,854 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:04:43 epoch: 17/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.54 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:08:11,821 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:02:29 epoch: 17/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.34 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:08:11,980 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 18. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:08:11,980 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:08:47,296 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:00:34 epoch: 18/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.55 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:09:17,322 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:58:31 epoch: 18/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.33 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:09:17,477 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 19. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:09:17,477 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:09:53,431 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:56:54 epoch: 19/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.61 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:10:23,315 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:54:58 epoch: 19/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.32 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:10:23,480 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 20. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:10:23,480 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:10:58,675 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:53:19 epoch: 20/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.93 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.54 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:11:28,663 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:51:31 epoch: 20/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.92 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.34 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:11:28,826 mmn.utils.checkpoint INFO: Saving checkpoint to ./pool_model_20e.pth 2022-10-22 20:11:32,992 mmn.inference INFO: Start evaluation on ('tacos_test',) dataset (Size: 25). 2022-10-22 20:11:45,165 mmn.inference INFO: Model inference time: 0:00:08.189008 (0.328 s / inference per device, on 1 devices) 2022-10-22 20:11:45,167 mmn.inference INFO: Performing TACoSDataset evaluation (Size: 25).

0it [00:00, ?it/s] 1it [00:08, 8.00s/it] 2it [00:14, 7.25s/it] 3it [00:23, 7.73s/it] 4it [00:26, 6.14s/it] 5it [00:32, 5.95s/it] 6it [00:42, 7.26s/it] 7it [00:47, 6.55s/it] 8it [00:52, 6.12s/it] 9it [01:00, 6.86s/it] 10it [01:08, 6.96s/it] 11it [01:16, 7.30s/it] 12it [01:22, 6.94s/it] 13it [01:28, 6.75s/it] 14it [01:37, 7.35s/it] 15it [01:44, 7.26s/it] 16it [01:55, 8.57s/it] 17it [02:03, 8.22s/it] 18it [02:11, 8.33s/it] 19it [02:22, 9.07s/it] 20it [02:28, 7.94s/it] 21it [02:36, 8.04s/it] 22it [02:45, 8.25s/it] 23it [02:52, 8.13s/it] 24it [03:03, 8.80s/it] 25it [03:14, 9.64s/it] 25it [03:14, 7.80s/it]2022-10-22 20:15:00,069 mmn.inference INFO: +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | R@1,IoU@0.1 | R@1,IoU@0.3 | R@1,IoU@0.5 | R@5,IoU@0.1 | R@5,IoU@0.3 | R@5,IoU@0.5 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | 29.59 | 17.15 | 7.75 | 62.36 | 46.69 | 27.92 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ 2022-10-22 20:15:00,160 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 21. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:15:00,161 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses

2022-10-22 20:15:36,223 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:29:31 epoch: 21/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.93 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 24.75 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:16:06,322 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:26:54 epoch: 21/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.92 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.36 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:16:06,514 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 22. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:16:06,514 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:16:42,464 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:24:34 epoch: 22/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.91 loss_iou: 0.11 time: 3.61 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:17:12,540 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:22:07 epoch: 22/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.64 loss_sent: 0.91 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.36 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:17:12,828 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 23. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:17:12,829 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:17:49,070 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:20:00 epoch: 23/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.64 loss_sent: 0.91 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.65 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:18:20,236 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:17:53 epoch: 23/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.90 loss_iou: 0.11 time: 3.47 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:18:20,538 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 24. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:18:20,538 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:18:57,706 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:16:04 epoch: 24/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.90 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.75 max mem: 5931

the log of the second training:

nohup: ignoring input 2022-10-22 19:47:02,181 mmn INFO: Using 1 GPUs 2022-10-22 19:47:02,181 mmn INFO: Namespace(config_file='configs/pool_tacos_128x128_k5l8.yaml', distributed=False, local_rank=0, opts=[], skip_test=False) 2022-10-22 19:47:02,181 mmn INFO: Loaded configuration file configs/pool_tacos_128x128_k5l8.yaml 2022-10-22 19:47:02,181 mmn INFO: MODEL: ARCHITECTURE: "MMN" MMN: NUM_CLIPS: 128 JOINT_SPACE_SIZE: 256 FEATPOOL: INPUT_SIZE: 4096 HIDDEN_SIZE: 512 KERNEL_SIZE: 2 FEAT2D: NAME: "pool" POOLING_COUNTS: [15,8,8,8] TEXT_ENCODER: NAME: 'BERT' PREDICTOR: HIDDEN_SIZE: 512 KERNEL_SIZE: 5 NUM_STACK_LAYERS: 8 LOSS: MIN_IOU: 0.3 MAX_IOU: 0.7 NUM_POSTIVE_VIDEO_PROPOSAL: 3 NEGATIVE_VIDEO_IOU: 0.5 SENT_REMOVAL_IOU: 0.5 TAU_VIDEO: 0.1 TAU_SENT: 0.1 MARGIN: 0.1 CONTRASTIVE_WEIGHT: 0.1 DATASETS: NAME: "tacos" TRAIN: ("tacos_train",) TEST: ("tacos_test",) INPUT: NUM_PRE_CLIPS: 256 DATALOADER: NUM_WORKERS: 12 SOLVER: LR: 0.0015 BATCH_SIZE: 4 MILESTONES: (130, 190) MAX_EPOCH: 250 TEST_PERIOD: 10 CHECKPOINT_PERIOD: 10 RESUME: False RESUME_EPOCH: 101 FREEZE_BERT: 40 ONLY_IOU: 100 SKIP_TEST: 0 TEST: NMS_THRESH: 0.4 BATCH_SIZE: 16 CONTRASTIVE_SCORE_POW: 0.3

2022-10-22 19:47:02,182 mmn INFO: Running with config: DATALOADER: NUM_WORKERS: 12 DATASETS: NAME: tacos TEST: ('tacos_test',) TRAIN: ('tacos_train',) INPUT: NUM_PRE_CLIPS: 256 MODEL: ARCHITECTURE: MMN DEVICE: cuda MMN: FEAT2D: NAME: pool POOLING_COUNTS: [15, 8, 8, 8] FEATPOOL: HIDDEN_SIZE: 512 INPUT_SIZE: 4096 KERNEL_SIZE: 2 JOINT_SPACE_SIZE: 256 LOSS: BCE_WEIGHT: 1 CONTRASTIVE_WEIGHT: 0.1 MARGIN: 0.1 MAX_IOU: 0.7 MIN_IOU: 0.3 NEGATIVE_VIDEO_IOU: 0.5 NUM_POSTIVE_VIDEO_PROPOSAL: 3 PAIRWISE_SENT_WEIGHT: 0.0 SENT_REMOVAL_IOU: 0.5 TAU_SENT: 0.1 TAU_VIDEO: 0.1 NUM_CLIPS: 128 PREDICTOR: HIDDEN_SIZE: 512 KERNEL_SIZE: 5 NUM_STACK_LAYERS: 8 TEXT_ENCODER: NAME: BERT OUTPUT_DIR: . PATHS_CATALOG: ./MMN-main-official/MMN-main/mmn/config/ SOLVER: BATCH_SIZE: 4 CHECKPOINT_PERIOD: 10 FREEZE_BERT: 40 LR: 0.0015 MAX_EPOCH: 250 MILESTONES: (130, 190) ONLY_IOU: 100 RESUME: False RESUME_EPOCH: 101 SKIP_TEST: 0 TEST_PERIOD: 10 TEST: BATCH_SIZE: 16 CONTRASTIVE_SCORE_POW: 0.3 NMS_THRESH: 0.4 2022-10-22 19:47:02,182 mmn INFO: Saving config into: ./config.yml Some weights of the model checkpoint at distilbert-base-uncased were not used when initializing DistilBertModel: ['vocab_layer_norm.weight', 'vocab_projector.bias', 'vocab_transform.weight', 'vocab_transform.bias', 'vocab_projector.weight', 'vocab_layer_norm.bias']

0it [00:00, ?it/s] 1it [00:08, 8.27s/it] 2it [00:15, 7.69s/it] 3it [00:24, 8.27s/it] 4it [00:28, 6.56s/it] 5it [00:34, 6.27s/it] 6it [00:44, 7.52s/it] 7it [00:49, 6.79s/it] 8it [00:55, 6.42s/it] 9it [01:03, 7.13s/it] 10it [01:11, 7.19s/it] 11it [01:20, 7.80s/it] 12it [01:26, 7.40s/it] 13it [01:33, 7.27s/it] 14it [01:43, 7.99s/it] 15it [01:50, 7.81s/it] 16it [01:58, 7.77s/it] 17it [02:04, 7.27s/it] 18it [02:12, 7.37s/it] 19it [02:20, 7.54s/it] 20it [02:24, 6.71s/it] 21it [02:31, 6.56s/it] 22it [02:37, 6.53s/it] 23it [02:44, 6.72s/it] 24it [02:53, 7.34s/it] 25it [03:02, 7.83s/it] 25it [03:02, 7.30s/it]2022-10-22 20:02:55,217 mmn.inference INFO: +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | R@1,IoU@0.1 | R@1,IoU@0.3 | R@1,IoU@0.5 | R@5,IoU@0.1 | R@5,IoU@0.3 | R@5,IoU@0.5 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | 23.07 | 10.25 | 3.95 | 40.14 | 25.72 | 16.30 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ 2022-10-22 20:02:55,295 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 11. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:02:55,295 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses

2022-10-22 20:03:29,082 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:41:53 epoch: 11/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.69 loss_sent: 0.96 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 23.19 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:03:58,041 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:37:00 epoch: 11/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.68 loss_sent: 0.97 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.23 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:03:58,177 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 12. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:03:58,177 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:04:33,011 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:32:58 epoch: 12/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.68 loss_sent: 0.96 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.50 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:05:02,451 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:28:55 epoch: 12/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.95 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.29 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:05:02,603 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 13. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:05:02,603 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:05:37,639 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:25:31 epoch: 13/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.96 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.52 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:06:07,290 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:22:02 epoch: 13/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.68 loss_sent: 0.95 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.32 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:06:07,430 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 14. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:06:07,431 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:06:42,861 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:19:11 epoch: 14/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.68 loss_sent: 0.96 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.56 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:07:12,458 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:16:05 epoch: 14/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.30 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:07:12,610 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 15. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:07:12,610 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:07:47,929 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:13:32 epoch: 15/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.95 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.55 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:08:17,514 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:10:45 epoch: 15/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.95 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.30 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:08:17,685 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 16. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:08:17,685 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:08:53,066 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:08:29 epoch: 16/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.95 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.56 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:09:22,859 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:06:01 epoch: 16/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.32 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:09:23,018 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 17. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:09:23,019 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:09:58,336 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:03:57 epoch: 17/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.93 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.55 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:10:28,255 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:01:43 epoch: 17/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.93 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.33 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:10:28,408 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 18. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:10:28,408 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:11:03,819 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:59:52 epoch: 18/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.56 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:11:33,739 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:57:48 epoch: 18/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.32 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:11:33,890 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 19. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:11:33,890 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:12:09,617 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:56:09 epoch: 19/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.67 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.59 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:12:39,262 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:54:11 epoch: 19/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.94 loss_iou: 0.13 time: 3.30 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:12:39,407 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 20. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:12:39,407 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:13:14,387 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:52:31 epoch: 20/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.92 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.51 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:13:44,687 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 4:50:48 epoch: 20/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.92 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.37 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:13:44,846 mmn.utils.checkpoint INFO: Saving checkpoint to ./pool_model_20e.pth 2022-10-22 20:13:56,710 mmn.inference INFO: Start evaluation on ('tacos_test',) dataset (Size: 25). 2022-10-22 20:14:10,127 mmn.inference INFO: Model inference time: 0:00:08.545635 (0.342 s / inference per device, on 1 devices) 2022-10-22 20:14:10,128 mmn.inference INFO: Performing TACoSDataset evaluation (Size: 25).

0it [00:00, ?it/s] 1it [00:10, 10.95s/it] 2it [00:21, 10.63s/it] 3it [00:32, 10.86s/it] 4it [00:36, 8.32s/it] 5it [00:45, 8.26s/it] 6it [00:58, 10.11s/it] 7it [01:05, 9.02s/it] 8it [01:14, 9.03s/it] 9it [01:25, 9.55s/it] 10it [01:34, 9.33s/it] 11it [01:45, 10.02s/it] 12it [01:55, 9.91s/it] 13it [02:03, 9.39s/it] 14it [02:14, 9.98s/it] 15it [02:25, 10.11s/it] 16it [02:35, 10.15s/it] 17it [02:43, 9.62s/it] 18it [02:54, 9.93s/it] 19it [03:06, 10.38s/it] 20it [03:12, 9.26s/it] 21it [03:21, 9.15s/it] 22it [03:31, 9.46s/it] 23it [03:40, 9.26s/it] 24it [03:52, 9.95s/it] 25it [04:03, 10.36s/it] 25it [04:03, 9.74s/it]2022-10-22 20:18:13,563 mmn.inference INFO: +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | R@1,IoU@0.1 | R@1,IoU@0.3 | R@1,IoU@0.5 | R@5,IoU@0.1 | R@5,IoU@0.3 | R@5,IoU@0.5 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ | 25.27 | 14.00 | 6.80 | 53.34 | 39.77 | 24.29 | +-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+ 2022-10-22 20:18:13,640 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 21. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:18:13,640 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses

2022-10-22 20:18:48,761 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:39:22 epoch: 21/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.66 loss_sent: 0.93 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 30.41 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:19:18,079 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:36:21 epoch: 21/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.64 loss_sent: 0.91 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.27 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:19:18,263 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 22. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:19:18,263 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:19:53,895 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:33:42 epoch: 22/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.91 loss_iou: 0.11 time: 3.58 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:20:24,019 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:31:03 epoch: 22/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.64 loss_sent: 0.91 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.35 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:20:24,154 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 23. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:20:24,154 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:20:59,735 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:28:35 epoch: 23/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.64 loss_sent: 0.91 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.57 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:21:30,406 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:26:11 epoch: 23/250 iteration: 19/19 loss_vid: 0.65 loss_sent: 0.91 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.41 max mem: 5931 2022-10-22 20:21:30,752 mmn.trainer INFO: Start epoch 24. base_lr=1.5e-03, bert_lr=1.5e-04, bert.requires_grad=False 2022-10-22 20:21:30,752 mmn.trainer INFO: Using all losses 2022-10-22 20:22:07,630 mmn.trainer INFO: eta: 5:24:07 epoch: 24/250 iteration: 10/19 loss_vid: 0.64 loss_sent: 0.90 loss_iou: 0.12 time: 3.72 max mem: 5931

In addition, i'm not sure whether the environment has influence. My pytorch version is 1.7.0,python version is 3.6.6, cuda version is 10.2. I also test on the environment of pytorch 1.10.1, python 3.6.6, cuda 11.4, but i could not get same result as well.

zhenzhiwang commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the detailed log. I believe the randomness in my code is not completely removed, although I mannually set the random seed in I am busy recently, so I am afraid I could not investigate the whole code thoroughly to find where the randomness is.

Due to the randomness of negative sample selection in contrastive learning, it could lead to dramatic difference in gradients and affect the training process (especially in the TACoS dataset, due to that its videos commonly have 100+ sentences per video). I think the difference in evaluation metrics during the training process is not important, as long as the final results after convergence are similar between different trainings. Please compare your final results between your multiple trainings, and also compare it with the result reported in the paper. It will not be a problem if there is no huge performance gap. Just in case there is a huge performance gap, I will check it later. However, I believe there is no huge performance gap because the provided model parameters are trained just with this code in this version.

LLLddddd commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot!

If there is free time further, I'll appreciate it if you could check the randomness in your code.