MCJack123 / PrimeUI

A collection of UI component primitives for ComputerCraft.
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inputBox cursor at incorrect position #12

Open C2Gamser opened 1 month ago

C2Gamser commented 1 month ago

Bug Description The cursor from an inputBox goes to the wrong position when clicking on a button. I'm not sure if this is the case with clicking on other things that draw text and run event handlers, but I assume it is.

How to reproduce:

  1. Have a button and inputBox active at the same time.
  2. Click the button.
  3. The cursor will go to the end of the button, instead of staying where it should.

When typing, text is displayed in the proper position and the cursor goes to the proper position.

This reproduction also works the other way, if you were to click the button then start the inputBox after, the cursor will be at the end of the button.

Edit, added video.

Minimum reproducible example:

-- PrimeUI by JackMacWindows
-- Public domain/CC0

local expect = require "cc.expect".expect

-- Initialization code
local PrimeUI = {}
    local coros = {}
    local restoreCursor

    --- Adds a task to run in the main loop.
    ---@param func function The function to run, usually an `os.pullEvent` loop
    function PrimeUI.addTask(func)
        expect(1, func, "function")
        local t = {coro = coroutine.create(func)}
        coros[#coros+1] = t
        _, t.filter = coroutine.resume(t.coro)

    --- Sends the provided arguments to the run loop, where they will be returned.
    ---@param ... any The parameters to send
    function PrimeUI.resolve(...)
        coroutine.yield(coros, ...)

    --- Clears the screen and resets all components. Do not use any previously
    --- created components after calling this function.
    function PrimeUI.clear()
        -- Reset the screen.
        term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
        -- Reset the task list and cursor restore function.
        coros = {}
        restoreCursor = nil

    --- Sets or clears the window that holds where the cursor should be.
    ---@param win window|nil The window to set as the active window
    function PrimeUI.setCursorWindow(win)
        expect(1, win, "table", "nil")
        restoreCursor = win and win.restoreCursor

    --- Gets the absolute position of a coordinate relative to a window.
    ---@param win window The window to check
    ---@param x number The relative X position of the point
    ---@param y number The relative Y position of the point
    ---@return number x The absolute X position of the window
    ---@return number y The absolute Y position of the window
    function PrimeUI.getWindowPos(win, x, y)
        if win == term then return x, y end
        while win ~= term.native() and win ~= term.current() do
            if not win.getPosition then return x, y end
            local wx, wy = win.getPosition()
            x, y = x + wx - 1, y + wy - 1
            _, win = debug.getupvalue(select(2, debug.getupvalue(win.isColor, 1)), 1) -- gets the parent window through an upvalue
        return x, y

    --- Runs the main loop, returning information on an action.
    ---@return any ... The result of the coroutine that exited
        while true do
            -- Restore the cursor and wait for the next event.
            if restoreCursor then restoreCursor() end
            local ev = table.pack(os.pullEvent())
            -- Run all coroutines.
            for _, v in ipairs(coros) do
                if v.filter == nil or v.filter == ev[1] then
                    -- Resume the coroutine, passing the current event.
                    local res = table.pack(coroutine.resume(v.coro, table.unpack(ev, 1, ev.n)))
                    -- If the call failed, bail out. Coroutines should never exit.
                    if not res[1] then error(res[2], 2) end
                    -- If the coroutine resolved, return its values.
                    if res[2] == coros then return table.unpack(res, 3, res.n) end
                    -- Set the next event filter.
                    v.filter = res[2]

--- Creates a text input box.
---@param win window The window to draw on
---@param x number The X position of the left side of the box
---@param y number The Y position of the box
---@param width number The width/length of the box
---@param action function|string A function or `run` event to call when the enter key is pressed
---@param fgColor color|nil The color of the text (defaults to white)
---@param bgColor color|nil The color of the background (defaults to black)
---@param replacement string|nil A character to replace typed characters with
---@param history string[]|nil A list of previous entries to provide
---@param completion function|nil A function to call to provide completion
---@param default string|nil A string to return if the box is empty
function PrimeUI.inputBox(win, x, y, width, action, fgColor, bgColor, replacement, history, completion, default)
    expect(1, win, "table")
    expect(2, x, "number")
    expect(3, y, "number")
    expect(4, width, "number")
    expect(5, action, "function", "string")
    fgColor = expect(6, fgColor, "number", "nil") or colors.white
    bgColor = expect(7, bgColor, "number", "nil") or
    expect(8, replacement, "string", "nil")
    expect(9, history, "table", "nil")
    expect(10, completion, "function", "nil")
    expect(11, default, "string", "nil")
    -- Create a window to draw the input in.
    local box = window.create(win, x, y, width, 1)
    -- Call read() in a new coroutine.
        -- We need a child coroutine to be able to redirect back to the window.
        local coro = coroutine.create(read)
        -- Run the function for the first time, redirecting to the window.
        local old = term.redirect(box)
        local ok, res = coroutine.resume(coro, replacement, history, completion, default)
        -- Run the coroutine until it finishes.
        while coroutine.status(coro) ~= "dead" do
            -- Get the next event.
            local ev = table.pack(os.pullEvent())
            -- Redirect and resume.
            old = term.redirect(box)
            ok, res = coroutine.resume(coro, table.unpack(ev, 1, ev.n))
            -- Pass any errors along.
            if not ok then error(res) end
        -- Send the result to the receiver.
        if type(action) == "string" then PrimeUI.resolve("inputBox", action, res)
        else action(res) end
        -- Spin forever, because tasks cannot exit.
        while true do os.pullEvent() end

--- Creates a clickable button on screen with text.
---@param win window The window to draw on
---@param x number The X position of the button
---@param y number The Y position of the button
---@param text string The text to draw on the button
---@param action function|string A function to call when clicked, or a string to send with a `run` event
---@param fgColor color|nil The color of the button text (defaults to white)
---@param bgColor color|nil The color of the button (defaults to light gray)
---@param clickedColor color|nil The color of the button when clicked (defaults to gray)
---@param periphName string|nil The name of the monitor peripheral, or nil (set if you're using a monitor - events will be filtered to that monitor)
function PrimeUI.button(win, x, y, text, action, fgColor, bgColor, clickedColor, periphName)
    expect(1, win, "table")
    expect(1, win, "table")
    expect(2, x, "number")
    expect(3, y, "number")
    expect(4, text, "string")
    expect(5, action, "function", "string")
    fgColor = expect(6, fgColor, "number", "nil") or colors.white
    bgColor = expect(7, bgColor, "number", "nil") or colors.gray
    clickedColor = expect(8, clickedColor, "number", "nil") or colors.lightGray
    periphName = expect(9, periphName, "string", "nil")
    -- Draw the initial button.
    win.setCursorPos(x, y)
    win.write(" " .. text .. " ")
    -- Get the screen position and add a click handler.
        local screenX, screenY = PrimeUI.getWindowPos(win, x, y)
        local buttonDown = false
        while true do
            local event, button, clickX, clickY = os.pullEvent()
            if event == "mouse_click" and periphName == nil and button == 1 and clickX >= screenX and clickX < screenX + #text + 2 and clickY == screenY then
                -- Initiate a click action (but don't trigger until mouse up).
                buttonDown = true
                -- Redraw the button with the clicked background color.
                win.setCursorPos(x, y)
                win.write(" " .. text .. " ")
            elseif (event == "monitor_touch" and periphName == button and clickX >= screenX and clickX < screenX + #text + 2 and clickY == screenY)
                or (event == "mouse_up" and button == 1 and buttonDown) then
                -- Finish a click event.
                if clickX >= screenX and clickX < screenX + #text + 2 and clickY == screenY then
                    -- Trigger the action.
                    if type(action) == "string" then
                        PrimeUI.resolve("button", action)
                -- Redraw the original button state.
                win.setCursorPos(x, y)
                win.write(" " .. text .. " ")

local function dummy() -- dummy function to satisfy the inputs for button and input box, not related to bug


-- the clear has no impact on the bug
PrimeUI.clear() -- this is here only to make it easier to see ingame (no leftover text from console)

PrimeUI.button(term.current(),1,1,"Example Button",dummy)

C2Gamser commented 1 month ago

Temporary fix: PrimeUI.setCursorWindow(the window the input box is in)