MCJack123 / craftos2

A fast, modern, and feature-filled ComputerCraft emulator written in C++.
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Release iOS in more countries #335

Closed mahtan closed 10 months ago

mahtan commented 10 months ago

Hi, at first thank you for creating this program, would it be possible to make it available on the app store for more countries ? I'm in France and the app is unavailable in my country, i used it with testflight but the app as expired and the number of install is now full.

Thank you

MCJack123 commented 10 months ago

Unfortunately, this is a limitation of the French government - they require a long-winded documentation process for any app that uses encryption (which includes HTTPS in OpenSSL), and I don't speak French, so it's more trouble than it's worth to get it on the French App Store. Petition your government to stop this privacy-harming practice. (Note: France is the only country where CCPC is unavailable on iOS.)

As for TestFlight, that's because it's been over 3 months since the last build, so it expired. A new set of builds will be available soon with v2.8 development, so please wait for those to be ready.