MCRcortex / nekodetector

Nekoclient infection detector
MIT License
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How do I use it for MacOS? #41

Open Radactivi opened 1 year ago

Radactivi commented 1 year ago

So I downloaded the jar file, opened it (I have Java) and it worked, I set my scan to my user and each scan says "failed to access (blah blah)", what do I do?

Ulisesrec commented 1 year ago

It is supposed to not affect Mac (I don't know if they said that It does now)

Ghifari160 commented 1 year ago

In MacOS, you have to grant access to things in your system preferences. If you're running the jar from the command line, you have to grant Terminal access to the controlled folders (Desktop, Downloads, Contacts, etc)

aelnosu commented 1 year ago

Can't even find

D3SL commented 1 year ago

Mac is not vulnerable to fractureiser as far as all research as found so far. It's somewhat more complicated than that, but basically it doesn't target that OS for its worst behaviors and doesn't really have any method to persist itself on Mac.

Huskydog9988 commented 1 year ago

If you really wanted to run the scanner you need to basically just run the jar by double clicking it. (I think, i don't use mac.) The issue is that mac's perms are super weird so you need to grant the jar perms to scan your system. (Again, i don't use mac so idk how.)

AUnicornWithNoLife commented 1 year ago

if you want it to be able to scan your full system, you would have to open System Settings (system preferences on older versions), navigate to privacy and security, full disk access, and then add scanner.jar