MCRcortex / nekodetector

Nekoclient infection detector
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Error: Failed to scan class in Jar file #53

Open BinaryVigilante opened 1 year ago

BinaryVigilante commented 1 year ago

When running Nekodetector I'm getting this error:

Failed to scan class in Jar file [/home/binary/mnt/games/badlion/.minecraft/versions/BLClient/PRODUCTION3/1.19.4/BLClient.jar] due to a parsing error: net/badlion/a/A.class
This is likely due to a malformed class file or an issue with the JAR file itself.

It's not just BLClient, it's other Jars as well:

Failed to scan class in Jar file [/home/binary/.local/share/PolyMC/instances/DawnCraft - An Adventure RPG Modpack/minecraft/mods/Terralith_v2.2.3.jar] due to a parsing error: __MACOSX/net/stardustlabs/terralith/._Terralith$RegistryEvents.class
This is likely due to a malformed class file or an issue with the JAR file itself.
0dinD commented 1 year ago

The second error (from the Terralith JAR) is caused by AppleDouble metadata, see douira/fractureiser-web-detector#6.

I don't know how many JARs contain AppleDouble metadata, but it's probably not an insignificant amount.