MCRcortex / nvidium

Fast minecraft rendering backend for sodium (nvidia only)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[Suggestion] Chunk remembering #87

Open antieksi opened 8 months ago

antieksi commented 8 months ago

«Region Keep Distance» would work even better if it would remember all the explored chunks, and load them each time you join world or server again.

And thanks for the mod, it works flawlessly on my GTX 1650 Ti.

Ivanmatthew commented 8 months ago

I am not sure what you mean by this, but chunk memory is already provided by the server. Since Nvidium is a rendering pipeline, all it does is render what needs to be rendered, you'd need to use a separate mod to do this. You'd be better off asking this to the developers of Sodium. It might be viable if you have fast enough file storage to keep up with chunk loading demand (e.g. with DirectStorage tech), but it's really not viable for the effort that needs to be taken (probably, correct me if I'm wrong.)

EquityX commented 8 months ago

I believe they are asking for something like this to be implemented into this mod. That mod also has an option to not render any entities in fake chunks which has a massive performance impact.

antieksi commented 8 months ago

Sorry for the inactivity. I've figured out that Bobby's extra rendered chunks feature actually works with Nvidium and doesn't lag the game at all. However, there is one small issue: fog can't be set to more than 32 chunks (atleast in Sodium), and I don't think that it's what Nvidium is supposed to do. There aren't any mods that do that though.

antieksi commented 8 months ago

Looks like I'm making things up, also sorry for that. There is no extra rendered chunks feature in Bobby, but there is maximum rendered chunks, and this number is practically unlimited. It's pretty much same thing as Nvidium's extra chunks, but they don't just stay if they were loaded at any moment; they load the same time I join world or server. Fog issue persists.

Felix14-v2 commented 7 months ago

Just disable the fog using Sodium Extra. Also you can override the view distance limit by increasing its value in the C2ME mod config file.

FASTB1mc commented 1 month ago

I find that C2ME actually makes my FPS lower whenever I use it and it uses a lot of memory when I put it on my Minecraft server.

FASTB1mc commented 1 month ago

Also the Bobby mod and Voxy mod (made by Cortex) have features that do chunk remembering but it takes up space on your computer. In Bobby the future is called Single player view distance (I think), and I don't know about Voxy though.